Tuesday July 14th & Wednesday July 15th

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***the second chapter for today Comment and Vote!! - Blaire***

Sabrina woke me up at 11:30.

Me: What leave me alone
Sabrina: come on Baby Horse we have lunch
Me: I need coffee
Sabrina: I will go get yours so get up change.
Me: Fine

I got up and unpacked some of my things. I changed and then Sabrina came back with my coffee.

Me: thank you
Sabrina: too bad I don't have something for that hair. That is the messiest bun I have ever seen|
Me: I don't even care right now
Sabrina: I can tell. Let's go before we are late.

We headed down to lunch and sat with my group. Most of the jokes were centered on my hair so I got up and went to get another coffee. As soon as I got back Coach French came in to talk to us.

French: Good afternoon ladies. I hope you enjoyed lunch. Tonight for dinner so you can get a little normalcy we are going out to eat. I want you all to be ready and in the lobby at 6:30. Sabrina, Baby Horse, and Baby Horse's hair I need to meet with you after you are finished. That is all thank you ladies.

The whole team laughed and Sabrina and I got up and followed Coach French to her room.

French: ladies thank you. I have two things for you. The 1st is the group of you 6 going for the media day, only you and Baby Horse will be the conference. Everybody is doing the interviews though. The 2nd thing is just for you Baby Horse. I know for the national team camp you wore the tracker bands during practice. Would you be willing to wear one for during our games?
Me: sure. Oh and did my cleats from Nike come in?
French: yes they did. I will make sure they will be with you gear so you can break them in.
Me: Thank you
Sabrina: oh I was supposed to remind you about captain bands.
French: Oh yes, the captain bands they ae not our normal ones. They will actually be Velcro instead of solid band this time. It should be easier but we will see. That is all I have so you are free to go.
Sabrina: okay then see you tonight
Me: Bye

We left and went to our room. We picked out our outfits and then watched Netflix. Sabrina's outfit was a white dress, black heels, and a black necklace. My outfit was red and black patterned pants, dark blue top, gold sandals, and a gold necklace. After our two episodes of Pretty Little Liars it was 5 so we started to get ready. We got down to the lobby at 6:20. Once all of the girls were there we got on the bus and went to the restaurant. We all ordered and ate by 9. The bus pulled up to the hotel and coach French stood.

French: Alright ladies we have our first training tomorrow after breakfast. The bus leaves at 9. Your gear is in room 214 and the trainer is 215. If you need anything else my room is 213. Have a good night ladies.

The team got off the bus and went to our rooms to go to bed.


At 6:40 Sabrina and I woke up and we went down to breakfast. Our group sat down and we all talked about training later. After everybody had finished we grabbed our gear form room 214. We had our red tops with the navy shorts and socks. Also in my pile were my ankle brace, my tracker band, and my new cleats. I grabbed my things and went to change. I put my gear in my duffle bag and I took off my watch to let it charge. I grabbed my phone and bag and followed Sabrina to the lobby. Once the whole team was in the lobby we loaded up the bus and went to the field. We unloaded and put our cleats on. I grabbed my tracker band and stood up.

French: Baby Horse!
Me: Yes
French: go see Dave so he can get the band set up
Me: Okay

I walked over to Dave and handed him the band.

Dave: I just had to connect the signal.
Me: will you clip the band for me?
Dave: of course

I lifted up the back of my shirt and Dave clipped it in place. I said thanks and then went to warmup. For training all we did were transition drills and then one shooting drill. Training ended quickly and we went back to the hotel for lunch. We had the rest of the day off. Some girls went around time and some stayed. Sabrina left and I stayed so I could see if my friends we free to talk. I talked to Megan for a while until Kiley facetimed me. I answered the call and Kiley and the rest of my cheer teammates came on my screen.

Me: Hey guys
Kiley: where are you right now?
Me: my hotel room in Brazil.
Hollin: Lucky
Claire: when is your first game?
Me: Monday the 20th. We have our media day tomorrow though
Kiley: oh hey do you wanna see our dance now that we've fixed a couple things?
Me: yeah
Kiley: Hey Mrs. Garvin will you come hold my phone?
Garvin: Sure
Me: hey Garvin.
Garvin: hey Solo.

The music started and the girls did the dance we learned at camp. The only thing different was that they added a toe-touch while Kiley and I did our tumbling pass. Plus my stunt group in the middle would wen with a toe touch basket and then back up to a liberty hitch. As soon as they ended Kiley came back.

Kiley: Does it look good?
Me: I love it
Kiley: good. Well my phone is about to die. I miss you and send us pictures!
Me: I will. Bye gurl
Kiley: bye

I hung up with Kiley and then texted Brad. I talked to him while I watched a movie. Sabrina came in as my movie ended and we headed down to dinner. We sat with our group and talked.

French: Alright ladies we will have two trainings tomorrow, one in the morning after breakfast and the other after lunch. I need to see the 6 of you back there after you finish. The rest of you ladies are free to go I will see you all in the morning.

Our group got up and followed Coach French up to her room. We sat down on the bed and coach French sat at her desk.

French: For tomorrow's media day all of you will be wearing the same thing; your training pants and the volt windbreaker over the new t-shirt we got. You will need to be in the lobby by 7:30. I won't be going with you but Dave will be. Baby Horse and Sabrina are the only ones doing the conference but everybody will be doing the interviews afterwords. That is all I have for you, do have any questions?
Sabrina: I think we're good.
Casey: goodnight
Me: Goodnight

We all got up and went to our rooms. Sabrina and I watched two episodes of Pretty Little Liars and then fell asleep.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 2Where stories live. Discover now