Friday May 29th

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Since this chapter and the next one are short i decided to post them too. comment and vote - Blaire

Brad woke me up at 7 and I put on my black bikini and clothes over it. I walked to the couch and laid back down. Brad came out and set a bag next to me.

Brad: here is everything you need
Me: *mumbled* thank you
Brad: you're welcome mumbles

Ali came out and Ashlyn was walking behind her. Ali said we would grab food on the way and to load up. I got off the couch and grabbed my bag. We got into the car and I leaned against Brad. I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up by the smell of food.

Ash: She's just like Kelley
Ali: What?
Ash: she wakes up to the smell of food
Me: Hey I can help it I'm hungry
Brad: you always are
Me: Whatever just give me some.

After a couple hours we headed back to shore. We dropped the gear and went back to the car. It was already 4 and we missed lunch.

Me: I'm hungry again
Ash: of course you are but its okay because I think we all are
Ali: I can make dinner when we get home
Me: Okay

We got back at 5:30 and Ali started and early dinner. I helped Ali in the kitchen and then called Ashlyn and Brad when it was done. We all sat down and ate.

Me: I am going for a run in the morning if anybody wants to join.
Ali: what time?
Me: 8:30?
Ali: Yeah I will go
Me: anybody else
Brad: Nope
Ash: Nope
Me: Okay then

We finished dinner and then played the game heads up on my IPad. The 3 of them gave up because they said I was too intense so we watched a movie instead. After the movie we went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 2Where stories live. Discover now