Monday July 27th

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***here is then next since since the last one was short. Comment and Vote! - Blaire**

By 7:30 Sabrina and I were up and went to a café for coffee before breakfast

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By 7:30 Sabrina and I were up and went to a café for coffee before breakfast. The rest of our group joined us at our table and we waited for Coach French to speak to us.

French: Good morning ladies I know you have the day off but we will be having a team meeting after dinner so make sure you are there. Other than that you are free to go.

Casey: so what do we want to do?
Kelcie: there is horseback riding, surfing, shopping, snorkeling, or we can go sightseeing.
Me: ooh lets go horseback riding!
Sabrina: yeah the others are more relaxing so we can do those later on
Jess: that is true. Well let's get changed and head out by 9:30
Me: I'll bring my back pack so not everybody has to bring theirs
Cady: good thank you.

We all went to our rooms and changed. I grabbed my backpack and we went to the lobby. We called a cab and went to the ranch Kelcie found. A man welcomed us and led us to the barn where we could pick our horses. Everyone in the group had a tan with black mane, tail, and feet. I would have picked one like their but there wasn't another one left. I looked around and found a perfect one. My horse was completely black except for a small spot on its nose. I lead the horse back to our group and the girls were surprised.

Sabrina: Dang Baby Horse you got the tallest one
Casey: maybe it can beat you in a race.
Me: ha-ha very funny

We all saddled up our horses and then got on. Our leaders name was James. James led us down a path and to an open pasture that went on until a beach and the water.

James: this is the part where you all get to race. It will be from here to the water. When we get down there we will take a break so the horses can drink. Go on my count. 1....2....3....Go!

We all took off. Jess was in the lead and then it was Kelcie, me, Casey, Sabrina, and Cady. Half way there I started to gain on Jess and Kelcie. I passed them both and then for the next couple of minutes it was just me until we hit the sand. All the girls came in and James came behind them. We led our horses to a water bin that had fresh water in it so they could drink.

James: I'm assuming you're all friends, where are you girls from?
Sabrina: Yes we are friends and teammates but were not all from the same place. I'm from New Jersey.
Casey: New Jersey
Kelcie: California
Jessica: California
Cady: Georgia
Me: Louisiana
James: oh are you all here to watch the U-20 World Cup as teammates?
Jessica: uh actually we're playing in the World Cup. We are part of the U.S. Team.
James: Wait really?
Sabrina: yes Baby Horse and I are the captains
James: Baby Horse I remember that name. I watched you play against France. You scored the first goal. In the interview they said you were the youngest didn't they?
Me: yeah I'm 16 and everybody else is either 19 or 20.
Cady: that's why she's Baby Horse
James: that makes sense. Well let's get moving

We started moving and we went down this trail that went through a wooded area and then back to the barn. We unsaddled and cooled them down. Before we put them back we took pictures with them. We got in the cab and headed back to the hotel. I texted the girls in our group message to tell them about my day

Me: I went horseback riding today what about you? *picture*
Hope: Damn Baby Horse let me guess the black one was yours.
Alex: you know it was
Kelley: it's your cousin I can see the resemblance in the legs
Ash: bahaha Kelley's right tho I can see it too
Me: Oh whatever. What did you guys do today?
Hope: Practice with SR and cleaned the house
Alex: thorns practice and shopping. I even got you a present Baby Horse.
Me: ooh what is it?!
Alex: not telling or showing until I see you again.
Me: What! That's not fair!
Hope: Baby Horse calm down you're not going to die
Me: I feel like it. Anyways Kelley and Ash and Ali
Ash: I had training and then princess dragged me shopping
Ali: I did
Hope: Cough Cough Whipped Cough Cough
Kelley: ooh shots fired
Ash: Watch it Hopey
Me: yeah wouldn't want Ash to get in trouble with Ali
Alex: dang Baby Horse that was a good one
Ali: alright guys be nice
Me: I have to go anyways. I will txt you guys later

The girls said goodbye and I put my phone away and fixed my plate for dinner. Our group sat down and started eating. Coach French came in while we were finishing.

French: Good evening ladies, I hope you all had a good day off. Our game tomorrow against Nigeria had been moved up to 4. Breakfast will be at 8 and lunch at 11. The bus will leave at 1:40. Meeting is at 10 for the starters. Now our starters are Casey, Sabrina, Savannah, Cady, Jess, Kelcie, Taylor, Ashley, Emily and Baby Horse. That is all I have tonight good night ladies.

After the meeting ended we went to our rooms. Sabrina and I watched a little bit of PLL before falling asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 2Where stories live. Discover now