Thursday July 23rd & Friday July 24th

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****since i was behind by two here is the second. Comment and Vote!- Blaire ****

The team had breakfast at 7 and then we had a light training before lunch. We had the rest of the day off and our group of 6 went out to lunch. We walked around town and looked at things before going back to the hotel for dinner. Coach French said the starting lineup was the same and dismissed us. Sabrina and I ate and then watched PLL until we fell asleep.

Friday July 24th

Sabrina and I got up at 7 and were at breakfast by 8. After we ate we went to the training room to get our gear. We changed and had time before we had to leave so I found a ball and went outside. I came back in time for the meeting and we watched film against France. We talked through their weaknesses and about our game plan. We went to our rooms after and packed our bags. We got to the stadium and did warm ups. I went to Dave and set up the tracker band before walk out. Walk out ended and it was time for the game to start.

The ref blew the whistle and France kicked off. We eventually won the ball in our defense and Sabrina went up the sideline. She gave it to Kelcie who sent it up the wing to Marley. Marley started dribbling but a defender stepped to her. The ball bounced off the defender and I ran onto it. I did a move and then nutmegged the last defender. The goal keeper took a step to come out and I shot the ball past her into the net making it 1-0. We set back up and France kicked off again. The ref blew the whistle for half time 15 minutes later.

We went into the locker room and listened to Coach French.

French: Good job girls we need to make sure we receive the balls in the middle of the field. Also our outside backs you two can come up a little bit more and help the midfield. Other than that you keep it up.

We went back out and we had the kick off. We fought over the ball with France for most of the half. We had a couple shots but the keeper saved them. On one of the goalies punts Kelcie won the ball and sent it up the field to the corner. Jorden was out of position so I took off down the wing. I got the ball and beat the outside back. The center defender stepped and I saw Kelcie open in front of the goal. I passed her the ball and she took the one touch shot past the keeper making it 2-0. Kelcie ran straight to me and I caught her. We celebrated and then set back up for kick off. The ref blew the whistle and the game was over at 2-0.

I had interviews and I signed autographs for some fans before going to the locker room. I took off my gear and packed my back pack. The bus brought us back to the hotel and we showered and went to bed.

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