Sunday July 26th

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***Hey guys sorry this is short, let me know if you want the next one today too. Comment and Vote! -Blaire***

Sabrina and I got up at and grabbed our training gear. We changed and headed down for breakfast. We sat down with our group and talked about yesterday. We finished eating and got our bags. At the field we put on our gear and went through warm ups. We moved into a crossing drill and then coach French also let us play a shooting game. Practice ended and we went to the hotel for lunch. During the free time we had our group watched the movie Seven on my computer. Our movie ended and we loaded up the bus for our last training before the game. 

We started practice with games like turtle farmer and capture the penny to warm up. After the games we moved into formation drills to make sure we didn't have any gaps anywhere. Practice ended after that and we went back to the hotel and showered. After dinner our group of 6 piled into Sabrina and my room for movie night. By the time the movie ended everyone was practically asleep and went their own rooms to go to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang