Monday July 20th

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**Comment and Vote- Blaire**

Sabrina and I got up at 7:30 and went to down to get coffee before breakfast. By 8:20 everybody was up and at breakfast. Since we all have our pre-game things that we like or don't like to do it is usually calm on game days. My pre-game ritual is finding a ball and just playing around for 10-20 minutes. I usually have to search for a ball but this morning when I went into the gear room Coach French was standing there with a ball. I laughed and said thanks before grabbing the ball.

I went outside and found a section of grass by the hotel but it was far enough away that I was by myself. I turned on my playlist and did what I always did. After a little while I took a walk and then came back to the hotel right before lunch. I turned the ball in and grabbed my warm up and gear and my tracker band. I changed and then went to lunch. We ate and talked until it was time for the meeting. The 11 of us went up to her room and she let us in.

French: alright girls I have film of England that I want you to watch. It's two different games because they adapt to who they are playing.

Coach French hit play and we watched. In the first game England was calm and kept possession but in the second game they were really aggressive and not playing the ball.

French: now why do you think I showed you these?
Sabrina: because it shows that if we let them they will try to out posses us. We need to score as soon as possible to avoid this but when we do score they will revert to being aggressive. In our case we would rather them be aggressive because when they play like that they rarely ever score.
French: exactly anything else?
Casey: this is for the offense. Their goalie doesn't jump well to the left corners. Aim for those when you have the chance. For the defense their number 20 is their main runner and she will try to get behind you. The back 4 need to talk and make sure you know where she is.
Me: their defense pushes up while their goalie stays back. If you chip the ball behind the back 4 I or the wingers can run onto them without pressure. Also on corners their defenders spread too much so Kelcie aim for the back post so whoever can judge them and run onto it.
French: good anybody else?
Sabrina: one last thing. Baby Horse, their two center backs are known for teaming up on players like you so be careful where you position yourself.
Me: alright thank you
French: good job ladies. It is 3:30 now so go make sure you are ready to leave by 4:30.

We all go up and went to our rooms. I did my hair and then packed my shin guards and ankle brace. I took off my watch and put my headphones around my neck. When I finished getting ready it was time to go. We loaded the bus and went to the stadium. In the locker room we changed and then went out for warmups at 5:30. We finished and went back to the locker room. I got my tracker band set up with Dave and then lined up for walk out. I won the coin toss and got to choose for us to kick off.

The game started and in the first 10 minutes Kelcie got the ball and chipped over the defense for me to run onto. I got the ball and shot it past the goal keeper in the left upper 90. England then started to play rougher. We went to halftime and it was still 1-0. We came back out and started the second half. 20 minutes in we got a corner kick. Kelcie took it and aimed it perfectly. I went up and headed the ball in. on my way down my legs got swiped from under me and I landed on my back knocking the wind out of me. I rolled over and tried to catch my breath.

Cady: Baby Horse are you okay?
Me: yeah...just knocked...the wind...out of me.
Cady: good. Up you come.

Cady helped me up and we lined back up for kick off. The game ended at 2-0. I made it back to the locker room after the player of the match and other interviews and photos. I sat down and took off my jersey, my cleats and shin guards. I packed my gear and the player of the match plaque in my back pack. I put on my jacket and left it unzipped. I put on my bag and went to the bus. I got on and Casey and Cady joked about me.

Casey: Damn Baby Horse nice abs
Cady: I swear I see yours more than my own
Me: well I don't like shirts
Casey: yes we can tell
Me: Oh whatever let's sit so we can go eat.

We got our seats and went to the hotel. We went straight to dinner and then went to shower. Sabrina showered first so I set my stuff down, took off my jacket and went to turn in my tracker band. I walked in and Coach French was there.

French: Baby Horse great game
Me: Thank you
French: also I think you're shirtless more than shirted
Me: yeah I get told that a lot. I don't like shirts though unless they are my loose tanks.
French: you are so weird.
Me: I know anyways goodnight
French: see you tomorrow.

I went back to my room and showered. I plugged in my phone and then went straight to bed.


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