
I see a drunken Ally clinging onto Dinah's shoulders. Dinah looks too tipsy too but Ally's in a drunker state than she is at the moment. Before I try to talk I see Camila helping Dinah with Ally. I smile at the relief that she's okay and she found them.

"Laureeeen where have you been my dear?" Ally speaks up once again and Dinah looks so annoyed. "I don't know with these people but I'm enjoying the party! Let's party!" I walk near her and help Dinah and Camila carry a drunken Ally. This is one of those times that I don't want to be messing with Ally. She has problems that's what I'm sure of.

I look at Camila who seems to ignore my presence. I clear my throat. "C-camila. I'm glad you made your way here and didn't meet some random guy once again."

"Actually there's this guy who was so kind and he willingly helped me find Ally and Dinah. Well, it looks like I should trust random guys more than someone I already know right?" She answers and with that tone of her voice she seems to be mocking me.

I don't answer because then she would even feel more mad and annoyed by my presence. I satisfy myself by looking at her help carry Ally as we leave the party. She even looks prettier wearing a plain white t- shirt on and fitted jeans. I notice her hair is a mess, maybe she rushed out to go here and fetch Dinah. I smile at the thought of her being in a hurry and at the same time I feel bad because at the second time around, I left her behind.

We are already outside and we let Ally be sat on an empty bench.

Dinah speaks up first breaking the silence. "I'll just go buy some water for Ally okay? I'll be back in a few."

"Dinah you have to hurry or else you're dead because you have to call your mother back or else I'm dead too!" Camila says to Dinah and she excuses herself to find the nearest store.

"I'm sorry. I didn't----." I start off but she suddenly stops me.

"You know what? Just stop. Stop saying anything and it will all be good." She smiles and it's obvious that it's a fake one. Ally's asleep so she lowers her voice. "Maybe I should really ask Mr. Danwich that this won't do any good. We have to have individual homework for next week."

"There is no problem, Camila! You j-just make a big deal out of this!" I blurt out without even realizing that Ally's there and we are seriously arguing at the moment.

Camila glares at me. "I am making a big deal out of this?! Wow I can't believe you just said it... Are you serious? You're the one who went to a party instead of working on a homework with your partner and when I asked you to help me with something you promised you would and what happened next? You left me behind. Again." She laughs in a sarcastic tone. "What's even more interesting? I saw you making out with a girl and I just asked for you to help me see Dinah and... I knew then why you didn't even bother to text me back."

"It's not that! She kissed me!" I defend myself at her. "I wasn't the one who initiated to make out! She's a friend. What does this have to do with anything anyway?"

Camila crosses her arms and still keeps on glaring at me. "Maybe you should lower your voice because your friend here Ally is drunk and asleep. Guilty much?!"

"I'm not guilty. If there's one thing I feel sorry about is that when I forgot that I had to check my phone because you were going to text any minute. That's it and I'm truly sorry about that."

She laughs mocking me once again. "I don't need your apology and maybe... because you were too focused on making out with that girl... Oh! I'm sorry she's your friend right? Basically what I thought."

This is ridiculous because she's acting like a jealous girlfriend in front of me and she's not even aware of it. Even if she annoys me with her words, I admit I like the idea that she's jealous. "Why are you upset about it?!"

She furrows her eyebrows and fixes her hair and posture. "Upset? What? I'm not! I'm totally not and we're not even friends!" I smile evilly at her and it infuriates her more.

"I hate you! I hate you!" I mouth the words 'lower your voice' and she just glares at me and starts ignoring my presence once again. We hear Dinah's footsteps coming near us and she bought four bottles of water. "I'm really sorry guys I bumped into Normani and she asked why we are not at the party."

"Oh? Why didn't she text us she's going to come?" I ask her.

"She said she just sneaked out and probably going home earlier that's why. I told her we're going home too anyway and she just said let's hangout next time." I nod at her.

We all take a cab and carry Ally once again to get her inside the cab. When the cab approaches Camila and Dinah's dorm. Dinah said goodbye and for us to take care. Camila just looked away and waited for Dinah outside. When they walked to the entrance, I kept on wondering about Camila. I wished she'd have a good night.

A/N: I feel like I have to apologize for not putting Camren action but anytime soon I assure you it's worth it just like always. I want their story to be slow and tender, that's what love really is. Although, what do you think of Lily? Let me know your thoughts!

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