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Camila's POV                                                                                                                                                                                             

I kissed her. I did not just kiss her. We did make out right here in my dorm room and she has a girlfriend and I'm straight. Oh God! What were you even thinking? No you weren't really thinking Camila and that's the problem. You tend to do things on your own and regret it after. I keep walking back and forth my dorm room to rethink about what happened. It's impossibly a dream because if it was, I wouldn't have been walking back and forth for almost half an hour now. I replay the moments before it actually happened. We were working on our paper; she was sitting on the floor while I was sitting on my bed. She was busy and too engrossed on what she was doing while I noticed her phone vibrated and called her a bunch of times. She seemed to not hear me and when I called her last, she eyed me hungrily.

That's when the atmosphere started to change. She walked near me; our eyes remained locked with each other. It was as if I could feel the heat of her body in mine and her heart beating rapidly in sync with mine. When she was finally sat on my bed and inches away from me, I didn't even move back and stay away. I got carried away with the pressuring heat and our eyes understanding what could happen.

And it happened so fast that I forgot we're in my dorm and Dinah could possibly come in any moment since she has her own duplicate keys. It happened real fast that I also forgot she has a girlfriend and I'm totally straight.

I'm straight.

I'm straight.

I'm straight.

I repeat reciting it in my head and my head starts to ache. It doesn't stop like the questions invading my mind. Why didn't I stop her? Why didn't I stop myself? Why did I just let it happen? God, I need an advil for my head. But one thing is for sure.

I'm straight.

I'm straight.

I'm straight.

"Woah hold the fuck up! Why the hell do you keep telling yourself you're straight?!" Shit. I didn't even notice Dinah entering our room. Now how can I cover it up without looking guilty? "Yo what's happening?"

I decide to ignore her questions which I hope will work. "What are you doing here? You still have class right?" She enters our room completely and collapses on top of her bed.

"Our prof dismissed us early which was pretty good because Normani just invited us tonight." I looked at her confused as if wanting to know more information about it. "You know Mani is back in the city! All the girls will be there and don't you worry I won't insist you to drink if you really don't want to."

"I'm not going to drink because I won't even come to that party." I flatly stated. Dinah grunts and checks her phone a bit before focusing her attention me again.

"I don't really know how many times I've said this but get a life idiot!"

I don't comment on what she said because I haven't stopped thinking about what happened just moments ago, just an hour ago, just minutes ago. I most probably will decline Dinah's invitation to Normani's party since Lauren will be present there for sure because a lot of girls there are her friends too. Probably she will bring her girlfriend too and that will make things more awkward if ever I decided to go to the party.

"Did something happen?" Dinah suddenly blurts the question out and my eyes widen looking guiltier than before. I try my hardest to look away from her and act innocent. "Jesus! My lovely friend is not a virgin anymore!" I can't believe this. Why does she figure things out easily? It's not like I'm not a virgin anymore but I'm not even innocent at all.

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