Chapter Ten // Gone

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“How long has he been gone?” Roma asked into phone.

“It’s been since last night.” I replied, sighing.

David had left me at the movie theater last night with no keys to drive home and then he hadn’t come back. It wasn’t really unlike him, either. He’d had plenty of missions where he’d been gone all day and night and there had been a slim few where he’d been gone for days at a time.

“Hold on, I’m putting you on speaker.”

I waited a moment while I heard Roma moving around and then a click, then Xavier was assaulting me with questions. Before I even had time to answer any of them, Roma shushed him.

“One question at a time, Xavier.” She laughed.

“Do you have any idea where he is?” He asked, slower this time. It sounded like he was having some trouble being patient.

I shrugged before remembering that he couldn’t see me. “No idea. His mission was probably just far away. They did just warp him out of the movie theater, instead of having him fly to it.”

Usually, if he was just transported or whatever, it meant that it could be in whole other states.

I could hear Xavier start to pace and Roma sighed. “Xavier, would you like to just go over there?”

It was silent for a moment and then Xavier’s pacing stopped. “Yeah, I think we’ll just do that.” To me he said, “We’ll be right over. Don’t leave.”

The phone clicked and I placed it on the receiver, which was hanging on the kitchen wall.

I decided I was probably hungry enough to eat something so I dug through the fridge until I found a bowl of leftover spaghetti. I pulled the plastic wrap off the top and stuck it into the microwave.

Before it had finished heating, there was a short rap at the door, then it opened. Xavier and Roma came rushing into the kitchen. Xavier looked around, stopped short when he saw I was pulling food out of the microwave and glared at me. Roma laughed at him.

“What?” I asked, trying not to laugh at him as well.

“You’re eating when David could be dying somewhere?” He demanded, shaking his head in disbelief. His hair whipped around his face as it shook, making him look funny and causing Roma and I to laugh.

Xavier was unimpressed with our humour. “How can you not worried? You’re in love with him, you should be most concerned!”

I opened my mouth to retort and then realized what he’d said. “I’m not in love with him.”

Roma giggled, putting her hand over her mouth to cover it. Xavier made a face. “Sure, you’re not, Alba. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

I sighed and grabbed a fork to eat my spaghetti with. Roma and Xavier watched me for a few minutes before Xavier started shifting his weight. Before long, he was practically bouncing nervously.

“Cut it out, Xavier. As soon as I’m done eating, Roma and I will go out to town and try to find him there. You can go wherever you think he’ll be. Okay?” I shoveled some more spaghetti in, not really tasting it anymore.

Xavier’s nervousness had me worrying, as well. It wasn’t like David couldn’t take care of himself and Xavier knew that, but he was really worried. Xavier knew what it was like for David to go on these missions better than I did. Maybe he knew something I didn’t.

Actually, he probably knew a lot I didn’t.

Xavier pursed his lips. “I’ll go right now, then. You guys go search the town. Go back to the places you were last night, incase he went back there.”

He started toward the door, stopping to give Roma a kiss first.

Once he was gone, Roma turned toward me. I pushed my food away, suddenly loosing my appetite

“Ready?” She asked. I nodded and grabbed my coat on the way out.

I left the door unlocked, something that I normally wouldn’t do, so that if David came home without his keys for some reason, he could get inside. It was unlikely but it looked like it might rain and I didn’t want him to be stuck outside in that.

Roma and I got into Xavier’s car, me driving. I wasn’t entirely sure where to check, since I had no idea what he was likely to go too. He might have been injured and gone back to the movie theater to look for me and then somehow gotten trapped or passed out in there. He also may have gone to his car. He could have just been tired and slept in it or he may have been injured and not able to make it home.

My foot pressed harder on the gas pedal as I thought about him passing out from blood-loss or something inside his car.

“Where are we going first?” Roma asked quietly. She seemed to catch on to my worry because she smiled sympathetically.

“I want to go back to his car. He took the keys with him so he may have gone back to that. After that we can check the theater and the restaurant we went to.”

Roma smiled, putting her hand on my shoulder briefly. “He’ll be fine, Alba. He was probably just really tired so when he went back to pick you up from the movie theater, he fell asleep or something.”

“Yeah.” I tried to let her words reassure me but it was hard to squash all the little voices in my head that were telling me things that could have happened to him.

It seemed to take hours to drive the five miles to Davids car, and I was speeding. We both got out and walked up to the sides of David’s car. No one was in it and the doors were still locked.

As I looked through the driver’s side window, something nagged at me, like something was tugging at a memory. No matter how much I stared through the window, I still couldn’t figure out what it was. Even after we walked away, something just felt wrong.

“You okay?” Roma asked, looking from me to the car and back again.

“Yeah,” I said, shaking my head to clear it. “I just can’t shake his feeling.”

“What feeling?”

I spun around, staring at Xavier with wide eyes. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

He almost smiled. Almost.

“What’s wrong?” Roma asked immediately, rushing over to him.

He shrugged. “Can’t find David. No one’s seen him. The missions angel that sent him on a mission last night said that he never reported back after his mission.”

“So maybe he stayed there, because he was tired or injured or something?” It came out more as a question than a theory.

“That’s possible.”

“Where was the mission?” Roma and I asked together.

Xavier drew a deep breath. “Colorado.”

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Sorry this took me such a long time to get posted. I've been pretty much swamped with work and school. I promise to try my best to get the next chaper and the next chapters for my other stories up sometime next week.

Leave a comment and tell me what you think will happen/what you want to happen.

Comments are my inspiration, which makes me write and upload the chapter sooner.

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