≈Chapter XXXIV :

Start from the beginning

"I thought your ass calmed down with the bullshit. What happened ? "

"We were in class, working on some shit-"


"Sorry. So yeah, we were working and this girl asked me help with her math, so I helped her and suddenly this fat ass was coming at me, talking reckless and he tried to punch me, but I was faster and he missed my face and so since I was on defense mode, I did what was right next and so I defended myself and punched him right in his nose and it immediately began to bleed and then he was screaming and the teacher, Mrs. Johnson, came and she didn't even let me explain and-"

"Wow ! Pause. Time out ! Breath." 

"If I wasn't breathing, well you would know."

I smacked my teeth, "To resume the whole story, he tried to hit you and you just defended yourself but since that other guy was the one in pain, your teacher uh, Mrs.Johnson, thought you were being a trouble maker and then punished you. That's why you're suspended ? "

"I've been saying for the longest time that this bitch is a fucking racist." 

I looked at him like he'd grown two additional heads, "Your language ! Damn ! You were supposed to be calm now."

"I was, but then this big potato came at me the wrong way and because of him I'm in trouble ! My mother's gonna kill me. Auntie D too. They're gonna think that I'm a failure." He looked down at his lap sadly.

I sighed, "You're not a failure. If it can make you feel better, I can be there when you'll explain them what happened. I can be your lawyer." We chuckled. 

"Alright, I-" He got interrupted by my ringtone. 

I looked at the caller ID and then answered, "Something's wrong with the baby ? "

She kissed her teeth, "No ! Why every time I call one of y'all you ask me that ? Are y'all trying to kill my kid ? Be positive, please and thank you. What are you doing ? "

"Hanging out with a friend." Ryver smiled and nodded his head. Since he'd been asking about me, Docia finally got us in contact and he wanted to hang out, what wasn't a problem with me. At all. Being in Ryver's company felt like I was spending time with a little brother or a nephew. I knew that he hadn't his father presented in his life and like any other kid he needed a father figure for guidance. And I was willing to be a role model for him. Well, I'll try to do my best because I'm not perfect and meant to make mistakes as any other human being. I was going to teach him everything I knew and for some other things, we'll just be learning together. 

"Because you have friends now ? "

"I'm about to curse your ass out and with those hormones it won't take too long to make you cry. Stop playing."

She chuckled, "You can't get mad at me though. Yes, you've always been a sociable person, but RJ and Laylani were your only friends. All the others are just acquaintances."

"So you consider yourself one of my acquaintances ? "

She smacked her lips, "No ! I'm your annoying and now pregnant little cousin/sister. You and me, we'll be together until the end of time."

"Oh hell nah ! "

"Shut up ! You know you love me. Anyways, we're all going to hang out at Toys R Us. Are you and your friend coming ? "

Suzanne was now four months pregnant, eighteen weeks to be exact and everything was going well. Richard and Tinashe stopped being petty and they were now fully supportive. Once the choc passed, they got their shit together and talked with their daughter. RJ was by her side too, so life was ''perfect'' for her. Plus, the baby daddy --so her boyfriend-- was there through every step and his family welcomed Suz with opened arms. I was happy that she was now going through this pregnancy with all that stress off her head. 

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