Provenance-That's my boy

Start from the beginning

"Girl? What girl?"Dean questioned, his voice slightly confused.

"Yeah she's out of the painting. I think it might've been her all along."Sam explained, his voice raising slightly. Sarah stepped closer to my body so I pulled her behind me, making sure she was protected in the corner by me and Sam.

"Wasn't the Dad looking down at her? Maybe he was trying to warn us."Dean suggested. Slight jingles started coming from the lock.

"Hey hey hey, let's recap later all right? Just get us out of here."I yelled making Sarah flinch.

"Well I'm trying to pick the lock, the door won't budge."Dean huffed in frustration.

"Well, knock it down."Sam pointed out as if it was obvious.

"Okay genius, let me just grab my battering ram."Dean said sarcastically, the clicking stopping meaning he had stood back up.

"Dean, the damn thing is coming."Sam shouted, spinning round in fear.

"Well you're just gonna have to hold it off until I figure something out. Get some salt or iron."Dean ordered, his footsteps retreating from the door.

Sam glanced back to us and grabbed Sarah's hand."Come on."We ran through the house, searching for anything to protect us with. Sam split to the kitchen for salt while Sarah and I searched for iron in the lounge."What kind of house doesn't have salt? Low-sodium freaks."Sam snapped making me smirk despite the tense situation. He turned to Sarah who was bent over a cupboard."Hey, d'you find any iron?"

I shook my head frustrated while Sarah began to rummage faster."No. What's it for?"

"Iron repels evil spirits but it's gotta be pure. Hurry."Sam explained, his voice raised in panic. He ran into the sitting room, flicking on the lights which flickered and dimmed. Sarah and I followed, rushing around the room in search of iron. He tilted his head into the phone by his ear.""Uh, Dean, give me a sec, don't go anywhere."

"Look in the chair. Sometimes the seats."I instructed to Sarah and she tipped the chairs upside down. I began inspecting the drawers, pulling them out and flinging any unnecessary items out the way. The two lounge doors slammed shut making all three of us jump and spin around. A strong wind blew through the room sending papers flying and the hair to shield my eyesight.

Just as I wiped it from my face, a little girl in a white Victorian dress rounded the corner, dragging her doll along the floor by her left foot. The razor caught the light as she turned, twinkling maliciously in her other hand. Her face that was supposed to hold the innocence only a child can hold, was darkened with what looks like smudged cracks.

"Sam?"Sarah called, her voice breaking in fear. Sam backed up, keeping Sarah behind him while I went the other way, trying to distract the girl as much as I could. She walked closer, moving in an inhuman manner."That is just so wrong."Sarah whimpered, making my eyes flicker to her nervously. Sam continued to back up and fell into the fire stand holding all the implements, grabbing the poker. The girl roared, her face stretching and shivering after seeing him coming towards her. Sam swung the poker at the ghost making her disappear in a mist."Iron?"

"Yeah."I confirmed, walking hesitantly towards them, glancing around the room. Sam panted, out of breath due to the stressful situation. After a moments pause of looking around, Sam picked the phone back up.

"Sammy, you okay? Kat?"Dean's panicked voice called from the other line.

"Yeah, for now."Sam sighed.

"How we gonna waste her?"Dean questioned. Sarah stood beside me, wrapping her arms around herself.

"I don't know, she was already cremated. There's nothing left to burn."I explained, furrowing my eyebrows and moving closer to Sam and the phone.

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