But now, she regrets ever trying to forget him.

As much as she would, he was a part of her. He completed her, to bits, he filled her empty pieces like no one can. He understood her more than she could herself.

How could she try to forget something as wonderful as him?


"John!" She screams on the top of her lungs, reaching out to him vaguely, trying as hard as she can to stand up but she can't.

"HELP!" He cries, wails, pleads, but no one came to help. Her eyes wallowed in tears, blurring her vision. But she could see him, a man all in black, with John in his arms, dragging him away from her.

"Don't worry," He would smile toothily, "I'm gonna protect you. I'll always be here to save you."

She has to, she has to do something. He promised to protect her, to save her, and she has to do something in return.

She limply pushed herself up. Her left leg was bleeding. She stared as the blood gushed out.

"It'll be alright." He used to comfort her, "I'll be here to cover your eyes when there's blood around."

'Save him. Save him.' She chants in her head, making way to the door. The door was left ajar, she tried hard to squeeze in through. It creaks, the noise echoed through the perimeters of the house. She expected a man all in black to grab her at any second, but no one came.

The pain in her leg was worsening. But the pain and emptiness in her heart defeated it.

'You can't give up. You can't give up on John. You have to fight. Chandria....' She flails and falls to the carpet, soon blacking out.

She woke up screaming.

Her whole body was shaking harshly, tears were streaming down her face. She covers her face with her hands, wanting to stop her sobs but she could not.

It wasn't at all new to her.

She'd have the nightmares quite frequently, occurring at least once a month. But it never fails to scare her.

She remembers every single detail.

"Kath?" She hears as she tried to open her eyes. There was a long moment of silence before she successfully opened her eyes, only to be met by a somewhat blinding light. She props herself up, with the assistance of her mother. She winced when felt a pang of pain in her left leg area.

"John?" Was the first thing she said. She felt her heart drop when her mother just smiled.

"They're doing their job......They'll find him..... let's just hope for the best..... I'm so glad you're okay." She shakes her head violently. "No. No. John!" She screams, "He has to be safe! He promised! He promised..." Min scoots to her, holding the little girl to her arms, trying to comfort her.

She shrugged the memory off. How miserable it made her.

"Will you narrate what happened, exactly?" The police asked her, trying to sound as friendly as possible. She knew they were of great help, but it's been almost a week since they took John. She was losing hope.

"We.... we were playing hide and seek." She croaks, looking up at the police asking, "He was it. I hid in my closet."

"He hasn't stopped counting yet when I heard a loud sound." She pauses momentarily, remembering how much the sound washed out the warmness in her. "A very loud sound."

Fragments - KathNiel One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon