Chp 96 - Hazel's POV

Start from the beginning

You're lucky Regina is your friend. She's not only being patient, as well as saving our skin.

Yes, I am.


Oh, my God. If I wasn't seeing it, I wouldn't believe it. Your brother actually came to visit you here.

Oh, no, what if something bad happened?

Nico gave her a tiny smile while walking to her desk. Most people would consider it a scowl, however, she knew him enough to recognize a smile.

"Hey, sis."

Hazel jumped and walked to face him, scanning his body, searching for injuries.

"Are you hurt?"

Nico frowned.

"What? No. Why did you ask?"

"Because I worry about you."

Nico let out a half-heartdely laugh.

"Why? You have no reason to worry about me."

Hazel tried to conceal, but she didn't have the best poker face, so Nico could see she knew more than she was telling him, and his expression darkened.

Oh, no, now he's upset and it's my fault.

Well, he hasn't told us why he's here.

Before Nico could shut her off and run away, she held his hand, intertwining their fingers. She wasn't holding too strong, just enough so he would have to make some effort to get rid of her hand, which he knew it could upset her, so he wouldn't do it.

"So, if you're not hurt, to what do I own this honor?"

Before he could speak, she noticed everyone else staring openly to them.

Oh, no!


I'm guessing they think he's your boyfriend.


Oh, my, they think he's actually MY boyfriend!

And they're paying attention to every single word.

Hazel gave Nico's hand a little tug, just to catch his attention. He closed his mouth and stared quizzically at her.

"Hum... maybe we should talk about this somewhere else. Let's go to Regina's office."

What!? That's even worse!

Not if Reyna is there.

Hazel dragged Nico by his hand and knocked on Regina's door. A stressed looking Reyna opened the door, and if she was surprised to see Nico, she didn't show, just stepped aside and allowed them to come in, closing the door after them. Nico was the first one to speak, nodding to Reyna.

"Are you okay?"

Reyna nodded and got back to her chair, massaging her neck.

"Yeah, just a little argument with Regina's sister."

"Do you, hum... need to... talk about it?"

Nico was clearly uncomfortable after that, looking anywhere except the two girls. Hazel could see the faint smile in Reyna's lips. Both girls knew Nico was not the kind of person who would happily get his nose in someone else's problems, especially private ones. Partly because he had no patience, partly because he never knew how to help. Hazel knew Nico cared about Reyna enough to ask, and it made her really happy to see him connecting so strongly with someone besides herself. Reyna shook her head, careful not to make him see her smile.

"No, I'm okay, but this means a lot, thanks. So, why are you two here? Anything amiss? Did someone get in trouble?"

Hazel turned to look at Nico, waiting for him to speak. Took him about ten seconds to notice both girls staring at him, since he still wasn't comfortable looking to them.

"Oh, no, nothing like that. I just wanted to say to Hazel, actually Hannah, that I contacted Nanni's father's lawyers."

What? Why?

Nico sighed when the girls kept staring.

"Is there a chance that Hannah is Nanni's sister too, so I thought his father could send some lawyers to sort this out, and all that."

Oh. That was... nice.

"I had almost forgot it, Nanni was the one to bring back the subject. So, yeah."

Nanni did this? Wow. I'm...


I guess?

Maybe he feels lonely, and wants to know that he has a family beyond his distant father. Maybe someone he can rely on after we leave.

I would never leave him, brother of mine or not. And when are you leaving?

I don't know, but I don't think we'll be here forever.

Nico blinked slowly and used his hand to cover a yawn. Hazel started to worry again.

Oh, no, is he not sleeping well again? Is he getting beat up again?

What about Niel? And Lucy?

Lucy is not real protection.

She's popular and a cheerleader. Trust me, that counts as protection.

"Nico? Are you having trouble to sleep again?"

He shook his head, yawning again.

"No, nothing like that. I just had a weird dream last night. It woke me up at 1 am and I only got a couple more hours of sleep after that."

Hazel got worried again, and she could sense Reyna paying attention.

"What kind of weird dream? Demigod dream?"

"I don't think so. It didn't feel like one, but it didn't make much sense."

Reyna's voice was even, but she still was alert. It was so rare that Reyna wasn't alert that Hazel could almost count the times she saw Reyna relaxed in one hand.

"Most of mortal dreams don't make much sense. What happened in yours?"

Nico shrugged and turned his head to the side, but Hazel could still see a faint blush.

"I don't remember much of it, just that in the end I was turned into a penguin."

Wait, what?

Hazel frowned.

"A penguin?"

Nico seemed to be talking to himself, or maybe Nanni, when he murmured.

"I mean, why a penguin?"

Reyna leaned in her chair, her hand concealing her mouth while she talked.

"Well, it doesn't sound like a terrible fate."

Nico was still uncomfortable.

"I guess."

Hazel walked to stand beside him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's better than a rat, I suppose."

Reyna's eyes were dancing with humor. Still, she managed to keep her voice as neutral as her face.

"There's only one big problem with penguins."

Nico frowned at her, trying to guess what she was talking about, but gave up after a couple of seconds, and decided to ask.

"Which is...?"

Reyna finally let her grin show, while talking in a voice that was half cheering and half pitying.

"Penguins are cute. Almost everyone would love to cuddle one. You would get a loooot of bone-crushing hugs from a loooot of people."

Reyna knew Nico enough to know how to tease him, and that worked. Hazel could barely contain her laugh when Nico visibly paled and shivered.

"Forget that, this seems like a terrible fate."

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