≈Chapter XXXII :

Start from the beginning

Hey, you never know what's really going on in people's life.

"I..." She paused and took a deep breath, "I cheated on him with my ex boyfriend, Ryan. He was back from London after all these years and he contacted me, saying that he wanted to talk about us since we never really had the opportunity to do it and correctly end our story. We were talking at first and then, this happened. I feel like a horrible person. I'm a terrible wife and mother. What kind of example I am setting for my daughter ? You're the first to know what's going on an-" She choked on her words as she broke down.    

I didn't know what to do. What was I supposed to say ? I didn't even know why she was telling this because we'd never been that close. She wasn't even really a member of my family, we were just associated because of Tinashe. I was closer to Tamicka, that was also Tinashe's little sister. Tamicka was sometimes watching RJ and I when we were little kids. Tanya came later, when we were around six/seven and when a lot of drama was occurring in the Willkingston family, especially with Tinashe, Richard and Mr.Kachingwe.

"You're not terrible, you just made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes. We're just humans and meant to mess up sometimes, that's what helps us to grow up and understand ourselves and life better. Also it can help to love yourself better." I paused as I turned left, "No matter what happens with you two, always put the children first. Try to stay cordial for their sake. They don't need to be in the middle of your arguments and witness their parents talking down about each other." I continued while thinking about Aria. Sometimes it was hard to believe that she was really gone. 

As she was about to say something, my phone rang in my pocket, "Excuse me." I pulled it out as we were stopping at a red light and looked at the caller ID before to answer, "Hey, Herica. Wassup ? "

"Hey ! Wassup, wassup ! I'm fine ! How are you ? "

"Could be worse. You sound so happy right now. What are you doing ? "

"Oh, I was at a family reunion yesterday and stayed at my cousin's house for the night."

"Having fun, huh ? "

"A lot. My uncle made me cry with his jokes and my cousins are cray-cray. I don't even know why we're awake right now since we went to bed super late. Anyways, I was just calling to know if everything was alright with you. We didn't talk for awhile. How does it feel to be out of the hospital ? "

"Was weird at first and I thought that I wasn't gonna make it, but I'm still alive." We chuckled, "My family welcomed me like a king and I've been trying to get my life on track. I'm currently looking for a place and I just got a new car."

"Ouh ! That's great ! I'm proud of you."

"Thanks. What about you ? How are you doing out there ? "

"I have a new job, got a new car too and I'm also hunting for a condo."

"Ayye ! We're both doing our thing, we gon' be alright ! " Kendrick Lamar's song started playing on the radio and I turned the volume on so she could hear it. 

Someone next to me honked angrily, getting my attention for a second, "Now, don't get in an accident because of me. If I knew you were driving, I would've told you to hang up as soon as you said hey." She spoked loud enough for me to be able to hear her.

I turned the volume down, "This red light is still red, so don't worry. Ah ! Now, it's orange and finally greeeeen. Yeah ! " I began to drive again.

"Get off the phone, Dorian ! I'm not playing. I'll talk to you later."

"Yes, mommy. I'll call you tonight before to go to bed."

She chuckled, "Okay, have a nice day."

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