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There was nothing but silence everywhere.

It was like the entire world had stopped spinning around. People were walking around but I couldn't hear anything. I tried opening the car door but my arm wouldn't even move. I felt like I was paralysed. This was how it felt to be paralysed and it was a horrible feeling.

I took a deep breath as I stayed still and tried to calm myself down.

Then I remembered Spencer and the panic happened all over again.

I turned to look at my left and saw that Spencer was unconscious. Her forehead was bleeding and that was when the panic worsened


I tried waking her up but I could barely move.

My car door opened and I saw an EMT. "Stay calm and don't move," she said and I obeyed her actions. "Can you tell me your name?"

"Chase," I said.

"Okay Chase I'm Dixie and I'm going to help you," she replied and I nodded my head.

"You need to help my friend," I said and she focused on keeping my head still.

"My colleague is helping her," she replied motioning towards a man and woman who tried getting her out of the car.

Surely Spencer would survive this?

I had no idea.

But then again she was a fighter, she would get through this.

Time passed like a blur and before I knew it I found myself at the back of an ambulance.

I tried to keep insisting that I was fine but unfortunately they were having none of it.

Before I could even think of anything else my vision slowly started to become blurry and I lost grip of reality.


When I woke up again, I was in an unfamiliar room.

The smell of hand sterilisers filled the air. The brightness from the white coloured walls along with the light bulb made my eyes water.

It took me a while to realise that I was in hospital.

There were wires on my body hooked onto the machines beside me.

I saw Madison sitting beside me and her eyes met mine.

"Hey," I said and she stood up, quickly kissing me and I tasted the salty tears on her lip so she must have been crying.

"Oh my god I thought you were going to die," she said quietly and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Look at me, I'm fine I'm not dying," I said and she smiled at me.

"Chasey!" Rosemary squealed as she walked up to me and I smiled at her.

"Come here," I said and Madison placed a distance between us so that I could hug my little sister.

"Mom and dad are in the waiting room," she said and nodded my head as I stroke her hair.

"I'm going to tell the others that you're awake," Madison said and I nodded my head.

"Just go," Rosemary said as she looked at her and Madison looked at me as I just gave her a look that told her to ignore her. She gave me a small smile before leaving.

It was ten minutes later when my parents walked inside. "Oh my God Chase!" My mom said as she wrapped her arms ound me and I returned the embrace. I hated the fact that I made them react like this.

"Hi," I said and my mother playfully hit my arm.

"Is that all you can say?"

"I'm sorry mom everything happened so fast," I said quietly. "And before I knew it was it was too late to even do anything-"

"Its okay son," my dad said and I gave him a small smile. My dad was just plain awesome

Madison sat down on my bed beside me as she held my hand and I smiled at her. "I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost you," she said quietly and I sighed, hating the fact that I made her feel like that.

"I'm sorry Rosemary," I said.

"It's okay."

"How do you feel?" My dad asked.

"Okay," I whispered.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," I confirmed.

"I'm going to call Addison okay," my mother said and I nodded my head as she walked out of the hospital room. I sighed loudly as I thought of her reaction. She would completely flip and freak out then would feel guilty because I had lost interest in her and I was now with Madison.

She deserved better than that.

My dad patted my shoulder as he said "Rosemary can you give us a minute love?"


"Go the waiting room and hang out with Leticia okay?"

Rosemary and Leticia were pretty close and she was very fond of her.

She nodded her head and walked out of the room. My dad turned his attention back to me and folded his arms as he sat down on the chair beside me. "You and Addison," he said and I groaned, looking up at the ceiling.

"Dad do you have to say this now?" I asked, the desperation obvious in my voice.

"Yes Chase when else do you want to talk about it?" He snapped. "I just don't want to see you make a mistake. You need to be sure of this and if your mother is calling Addison then you know that she will be here soon."

I sighed because that was true.

"I don't love Addison anymore," I said quietly.

"Then you are going to have to be honest with her as soon as possible because if you keep lying about this then this is going to hurt her even more. Addison is an amazing girl, she does not deserve any of this so you need to try and think of her-"

"Dad she is all I can think about."

Before my dad could reply, Piper, Eric, Joel and Ben walked inside and I smiled at the sight of my friends. My dad stood up and said that he'd leave us alone for a bit.

"How are you feeling?" Eric asked and I sighed loudly.


"Were you speeding?" Piper questioned and I rolled my eyes at her.

"No I wasn't speeding," I replied instantly. "Anyway how is Spencer?"

"I went to go and see her but she's still unconscious. Her parents and Jade are with her," Ben informed me and I nodded my head.

"What were you doing with her anyway?" Joel questioned.

"I was leaving Madison's house and I saw her walking. It was raining, so I thought I was doing the right thing by telling her that I would give her a ride. She eventually accepted it but then got mad and started arguing with me. I took my eyes off the road for a second and then we crashed."

They all became quiet as they took in this information.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked Ben who shrugged his shoulders

"I really have no idea mate."

I sighed because if something did happen to her then it was going to be my fault and I had no idea how I was going to be able to live with myself.

P.S I Miss You {editing} COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن