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"How is your project going?" Spencer asked me and I bit my lower lip.

"Okay," I answered as I closed my locker and she nodded her head. "You still in contact with Ads?" I asked and she nodded her head

"But briefly now. We're both pretty busy with stuff but she does call me."

"That's good," I said and she chuckled.

"Morning," Leticia said as she walked to us and Spencer rolled her eyes. I silently looked at her telling her not to say anything or cause trouble.

"Did you wan something?" Spencer mocked.

"Guys," I said, looking at them.

"It isn't even me, its her. She hates my guts because she thinks I'm taking her best friend's place." I looked at Spencer and who sighed.

"You are taking her place," Spencer said through gritted teeth.

"No I'm not, you just think I am. I get it, she'll always have a place here and nothing I can do will ever change that. It's a shame you don't understand that," Leticia replied and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Leticia come on," I said and she scoffed.

"What? You really think I'm the one who' wrong here?" She snapped at me and I sighed.

"No of course I don't-"

"You don't?" Spencer said shocked and we both turned to look at her. Lately, Spencer was becoming a bigger bitch than usual.

"You don't get how hard it is for me to come into a new school and I'm not having people like you drag me down Spencer. I don't care if you don't like me. At least stop acting like you're perfect because you're farm from it." She walked away without another word and Spencer rolled her eyes.

"What a drama queen?"

"Spencer you should apologise," I warned and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Me? Apologise? To her?" She thought I was joking by the look on her face but I was deadly serious.

"Yes, do it."

"No," she replied and I sighed loudly.

"Spence," I warned but she rolled her eyes at me, ignoring my comment.

"I don't care."

"Spencer come on she does have point this whole thing is hard on her too you now, just like it's hard on all of us that Addie has left-"

"Really?" She snapped as she glared at me. She was giving me her most famous glare and I just wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. Everyone hated this glare of hers.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I snapped, not even caring that people were around the school hallways listen got our argument because this needed to be said.

"You don't even care about Addie. Its like you have forgotten her so you do not have a right to even say that you are upset she moved away. Look at you Chase. You don't look the tiniest bit bothered," she snapped and I gasped.

"How the hell can you say something like that?"

"Guys," Eric said as he appeared beside us with Piper.  "You're going to attract attention so you should just save this conversation for another time-"

"No we are having it now," I said through clenched teeth without even looking at them because my eye were too busy focused on Spencer and she was giving me the same treatment. "Answer my question Spencer how can you say something like that?"

P.S I Miss You {editing} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now