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A/N: I know this needs editing already and that there are typos so I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention it to me in the comments. I'm just reading the same comments over again. 


Life in San Francisco was different.

I had been here for a few days and now I had to enroll into high school. Lucky me.

"Hurry up Addison I don't want you making me late." I looked at Greyson - my younger brother and just rolled my eyes. "You better hurry up," he said before walking away from my room. He was only a year younger than me but he acted like he was older.

"Addie!" My dad yelled and I sighed, not having the energy to respond.

To say that I was nervous would be an understatement. I would have never imagined myself to be the new girl and here I was - the new girl.


"I'm coming!" I yelled, seen as he would just keep shouting my name. Inspecting my outfit one last time, I walked downstairs.

My mother made pancakes and if my stomach wasn't already preoccupied with nerves I would have loved it.

I took my seat beside Greyson who looked like he was very excited for today. How could he even be excited?

That was completely beyond me.

"You're up late," my mother commented and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Adrianna's up even later," I mumbled and my dad gave me a disapproving look. Adrianna was my older sister. She was just a year older than me and we were both pretty close. She was already starting college here so the move didn't affect her. That was one big coincidence if you asked me but then again no one did.

"Are you nervous?" Greyson mocked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, why would I be?" I snapped.

"You just look it," he said as he innocently shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes at him as I brushed my hands my hair. I took a deep breath and sipped my coffee.

I just wanted to get out of here.


It was lunch and the school was not like my old one at all.

I missed my old one.

There was so much bullying here too. And I thought my old school was bad. There was no way I could even compare the two.

It was the stereotypical school that you usually saw in movies. Kids usually got shoved into lockers, the quiet ones got picked on and a bunch of other stuff happened that I never thought existed.

Just like every high school, there were the usual groups: the popular group, the cheerleaders, the wannabees, the nerds, the weird kids, the geeks and just the outsiders.

I thought I would be an outsider.

It was lunch and the cafeteria was full of those groups that people had gotten into years ago. I just wanted to go back out because I was not going to fit in here, so there was no point trying.

It felt like Mean Girls and all I wanted to do was to eat in the bathroom. I took a deep breath and sat a small table on my own and got my phone out. I looked at my pictures and my whole body tensed when I saw a picture of Chase. He had gotten a hair cut but his black hair was still smooth. His blue  eyes were inviting, just like they always were.

"Hello there newbie." I hit the power button as I looked up to see a girl in front of me. She had her hands on her hips and had her long brown hair flowing down her shoulders. She had light freckled over her face but it suited her. I had seen her through the halls and she was a bitch to some of the students. From what I had gathered she was popular but only stuck to one girl. They were in most of my classes and it was weird that they weren't with one another now.

P.S I Miss You {editing} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now