Chapter 59: Entwined Paths ( Final Chapter!)

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" Why did you let my mother die?"

Fugaku looked at his son then his eyes roamed to the grave.

" You regained your memory?"
He laughed and looked up .

The young raven let the chilly wind flow through him as silence filled the space between them. Somehow, this wind made Sasuke feel nostolgic .

" I didn't want too." Fugaku broke the silence. " But having all of those voices talk to me all at once. All those people looking up to me , expecting me to make the right desicion , to do what was best for my clan..... I didn't know what to do"

Sasuke's eyes remained attached to his mother's gravestone , as he listened to the point of view that had been kept hidden for so long.

"I knew she had planned before on leaving the household. I also knew that Itachi left for the same reason. They didn't have the ability to cope.... to live within so much hatred and injustice. And honestly I wanted her to go.... your mother who was such a kind hearted person, she didn't deserve such things ."

The Uchiha leader then looked at his son.

" The moment I held that blade in my hand and looked down at your mother, as I heard your cries, and felt Itachi's despare once he'd find out. I couldn't help but feel tears fall from my eyes.... I was about to lose the love of my life all because I was a coward."

Sasuke had a blank expression on his face yet a single tear fell from his now frozen cheek.

"Yet..... as she saw my tears fall she smiled at me because she knew. Yet even then ..... she still loved me."

Fugaku looked down and noticed his son's shoulders were shaking .

" I became a bitter person , my heart had hardned because of all the pain that I tried to push back and refused to face it. I figured things such as feelings and pain , I had to lock away. "

He then laid his hand on Sasuke's shoulder.

" But you were different."

The raven's eyes widened.

" You didn't mind all of that pain .... in fact you welcomed it. You kept going despite the hatred you gained from it. And despite the things you witnessed and experienced you still remained strong and kind hearted. The thing that kept you going was that girl.... she became your strength."

Sasuke felt his brows furrow as his father continued.

" The thing that I thought that clan had lost was still there, and your mother died protecting it."

Sasuke turned his head to look at his father.

"Sasuke, you and Hinata brought love back into a place that had lost all sence of feeling."

The youngest Uchiha felt his lip quiver then almost immediately Fugaku pulled Sasuke into his arms.

" I'm glad you were born son.... you remind me of your mother ..." They seperated and the raven looked at his father. " You two have the same warm heart that expect nothing back from others."

The father looked at his son in the eye.

" So this time I want you to do what you want.... what you feel you need to do. Do something for yourself."

The raven looked at his mother's grave and raised his hand as he stroked the cold stone.

" ....... Father... I want to go away for a while.... I want to find myself again. This time .... dependent on myself .... and not Hinata."

Entwined PathsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora