Chapter 21: Three days?!

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Kakashi calmed the class down as they all had gotten to their seats.

Hinata hadn't spoken to Sasuke since the park incident.

Yanno still had that love for Neji and Breanna for wouldn't speak to Shikamaru .

Although things were great between Naruto and Hinata , Hinata had a pressure on her chest. It felt weird. Everytime she looked at Sasuke , her emotions would rumble and she didn't like it.

So this is the power of a former love huh? Hinata thought to herself.

Whatever the case had been it wouldn't change anything. The pain he had caused her was too great. To far to be easily forgotten.

"Alright class!" Kakashi spoke. " we are going to be in a new subject of literature , and they are poems"

The class all sighed in boredom and Kakashi chuckled to himself.

"The teachers held a meeting on what genres each class would do and sadly we got the worst one..."

The class all looked at him anxiously , then he answered.

"We got love."

Some students booed others cheered .Naruto and Hinata looked at each other and smiled.

Hinata felt eyes at her and found Sasuke looking at her deeply , she quickly looked away and Kakashi continued.

"I'm am passing out booklets that carry poems and we will be dissecting and finding out the meaning in the poems. Some of them are easy to understand others aren't."

Hinata got the booklet and looked at it's front cover . Then she skimmed through the context inside seeing all kinds of poems and activities.

"Open your booklets to page three and we will begin reading three simple poems .... alright who is the lucky reader to read the first one....ummmmmm Naruto! How about you."

Naruto groaned frustrated by Kakashi 's choice and stood up with The booklet in his hands.

"Love is not blind..."

Hinata looked at Naruto attentively as he spoke.

"Love sees but doesn't mind."

Naruto put the book down and looked at Hinata all the class ohhhhhed teasing the couple.

"Alright alright settle down , very good mr. Uzumaki."

Kakashi quickly told the class to write down what the poem meant to them on the blank space beneath and continued to the next poem.

"Ms. Hyuga how about you go next, since you seem to have gotten all the class 's attention thanks to mr. Uzumaki." Kakashi chuckled

Hinata stood from her desk and began to read.

"If there is a tomorrow when we're not together. There is something you must always remember.."

Sasuke stopped staring out the window and turned to Hinata .

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think...."

Hinata's voice grew more serious as the poem began to barge between gates of her heart.

"But the most important thing is, if we are apart..."

Sasuke stared at Hinata with such emotion that Hinata could feel his exploding and attentive stare.

" you are always my heart."

Hinata felt her heart squeezed . Sasuke kept his stare on her with his brows furrowed due to the poem. Hinata tightly gripped the booklet causing wrinkles to form on the sides of the paper ,then she quickly sat down.

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