Chapter 9: everyone deserves a second chance

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Hinata found her self sitting down in front of her mirror trying to find a way to do her hair, Naruto would pick her up in an hour and a half and she had to hurry.

"Well.. Isn't this a sight?"

Hinata looked at her mirror and saw Neji leaning his shoulder on the door looking at her and smiling.


Neji made a kind smile and walked toward her then took her hair and started combing it.

"I can remember the last time I saw you so concentrated on doing your hair" Neji made a little chuckle and continued to brush Hinata's hair. "you were so confused on what to do that you ended up making your hair into a complete mess!"

They both laughed at the memory then Hinata's laughter began to die down.

"I really wanted to look pretty for him.... To make him feel proud of standing next to me "

Neji's eyebrows furrowed, he had known that Hinata wasn't completely over what had happened. However it had been so long since Hinata had finally laughed and smiled and he wasn't about to let that tragedy ruin it .

" Hinata ... please I beg you .... have fun , laugh, be a human!.... You out of everyone deserves it the most."

Hinata made a small smile and look up Neji left her hair down but made a beautiful design on the side of her head and finished it off with inserting a flower.

"The last time you had your hair up, how about this time you leave it down and try something new .... start anew "

Neji smiled and kissed her cheek before exiting the room.

"He's right" Hinata muttered to herself.

"I have to start anew"


Hinata exited the house in a beautiful lavender and white yukata with a small lavender purse.

Naruto stared at her in awe and couldn't take her eyes off of her . When Hinata noticed she blushed which only cause Naruto to blush as well.

"What an idiot couple" Shikamaru muttered.

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" They both exclaimed simultaneously.

Shikamaru and the others laughed.

"Yet." Ino whispered at the others which caused them to laugh.


Going to the festival was a better idea then Hinata thought she had lots of fun she was smiling, laughing, and forgetting about everything.

"You having fun?" Naruto asked flustered.

" TONS!"

Hinata made a huge smiling reassuring Naruto that she was having a great time.

Hinata and Naruto decided to go to a quiet place to rest from all of the noise and the rest of the group went to get snacks.

Naruto had wanted to hold Hinata's hand but he tried to contain his feelings and just sit with Hinata.


The fireworks roared and Hinata and Naruto were hypnotized by the variety of colors and beautiful designs. Naruto turned to look at Hinata, her face enchanted by the fireworks and the colors brightened up her face , her hair flew in the breeze if the wind and Naruto could smell her fruity shampoo.

Her beautiful smile made his heart melt and he couldn't stop staring , his feelings weld up in his chest and he couldn't help the almost exploding feelings.

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