Chapter 35: I love you

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"A time in which he smiled?" Hinata looked at Naruto with a concerned yet curious look.

The blonde hesitated a bit and his fist clenched even more.

"I've hated him since that time..... because of him I lost everyone I cared about ....... because of him I was left alone...."

Hinata felt her heart squeeze at Naruto's agonizing words. She had noticed that Sasuke and Naruto were very similar ... though Sasuke doesn't want to admit it, He was just as much hurt when Itachi left as her.

Sasuke also had a long grudge toward his brother for leaving him with such a huge burden at such a young age.... however both Naruto and Sasuke .... though they have a hatred toward their siblings .... They both love them as well.

If Naruto hated his brother as much as he claims to.... then he wouldn't make such a happy yet pained face while talking about their past..... she knew this due to prior experience by Sasuke's reaction whenever Itachi was brought up to a conversation .

"Naruto... what happened between you two?..."

"I was twelve and Menma, Hinata and I were accompanying our parents on a mission...."

*Naruto's Narration about his past*

being on a mission with our parents was a once in a lifetime opportunity .
My father being the Hokage and my mother an elite jonin , it was a perfect time for Menma and I to learn from their skills.

Though my father was the Hokage and the Hokages never really go on missions , my father saw this as an opportunity to teach my brother and I .

"Menma! Naruto ! Hurry down , we still have to pick up Hinata!"

We both ran down pushing and fooling around till we finally got to the bottom of the staircase.

"Hey mom! Do I get to go in front in the formation?! Since you know I'm the best between us !!" I spoke up proudly , obtaining Menma's glare and my mother's troubled look.

"We will go as your father instructs us to go and that's that . Now hurry and go to the door."

We all went to the front door giving a last check to see if we weren't forgetting anything and began walking to Hinata's house .

Once we got there she came out and walked beside Menma , they talked sweetly to each other , and I soon became the third wheel with two lovey dovey couples by my side .

Since it was us and mom my father took a mission that was easy, in order to not risk getting us hurt ..... however I didn't know that such a simple task would end up killing my family and closest friend.


"We are going to the land of sound to retrieve a few business papers between the sound and the leaf."

"I thought you said this wasn't an important mission dad..." Menma spoke a bit annoyed .

"He, well I said it wasn't anything dangerous , but you boys need some training so I thought taking you too another village would be a good experience ."

"Hell yes!!!! , I'll show those sound bastards what I'm made of, believe it!" ( I thought if add a little bit of our little Naruto :,))

"Calm down Naruto this isn't a life or death mission ." Hinata spoke a little annoyed .

We jumped through the trees then settled down at night so we could rest. I of course didn't agree but having Hinata's and my mother's glares pierce through me ,calmed me down.


We slept soundly through the night , but of course I occasionally got up to take a leak.

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