Chapter 14: My resolve

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Hinata and Naruto walked to class hand in hand .

They were the happiest they could be but a bit nervous by how their classmates would react. Hinata was most concerned by how Neji would react and what would become of Naruto once he sees them.

Hinata stops and Naruto looks back at Hinata a little confused.

"What's is it Hinata?"

Hinata squinted her eyes.


Naruto looked at her wide surprised by her sudden seriousness.

"Wha-what is it?"

Hinata stayed quiet for a moment and silence echoed the halls.

"We still have to tell Neji...."

"Ne-ne-ne-Neji?!?!?he gonna kill me!!!"

Naruto panicked and said a load of words that Hinata couldn't understand .


Hinata tried to keep Naruto calm and put her hands on his arms. She then let go of one arm and put her hand into a fist facing him.

"We can do this!"

Hinata walked in from of Naruto and Naruto slowly turned around and went after her.

"Ha , easy for you to say ..." the blonde muttered to himself.



Naruto quickly hid behind Hinata. Neji put his hand in a fist trying to get the blonde and Hinata tried to stop him.

"N-Neji!, I thought you said that you would approve of us! You even helped me confess my feelings!"

"Yea well that was because I thought it was never gonna happen anyway!!"

Sai came from Neji's back and retrained him while Ten Ten got between Hinata and Neji.

"Geezz Neji quit your complaining and congratulate them already!"

Ten ten them wrapped her arms around Hinata . the rest of the class congratulated the new couple.

Sakura stood in the back if the class glaring at the two angry and overwhelming with jealousy at there happiness. he fell for me first! Who does she think she is!!

The green-eyed girl sat in her seat with a 'hmph!' And turned her head away . Then Kakashi came into the room and class started.


After class Naruto ran to Hinata's seat and waited for her to get her things ready so they could walk home together . Neji looked at the two for a moment and smirked a little at how Hinata smiled so brightly around the idiot blonde. Then his smile faded away fast as he remembered something. Neji quickly huddled his things and walked toward them.

"Hinata, Naruto , let's walk home together we need to talk ."

Hinata was surprised for a moment wondering what it was but then she made a stern face and nodded.

The all walked out of the class.


"You know the reason why Hinata was betrothed to Itachi and Sasuke right Naruto?

Naruto thought for a moment. He had remembered Hinata talking about the reason when she rejected him but then his mind went blank.

"Uhhhhh... I vacant really remember...ehe" he laughed nervously rubbing the back if his head.

Neji glared at him threateningly then looked at Hinata.

"Gee he sure is a charmer..."

Hinata hit Neji with her shoulder and Neji slumped and looked at Naruto .

"It was so the Uchiha and Hyuga clan would unite and made an extremely powerful clan. but since both sons of the Uchiha ran off then they are ahving trouble finding an heir."

Neji then looked at Naruto seriously.

"Hiashi-sama probably won't have a problem with you due to you family legacy ..... however... Fugaku- sama on the other hand will be furious and will do anything in his power to seperate you two."

"Well that's too bad because my feelings for Hinata won't change."

Neji scowled at Naruto.

"That's not the point!"

Naruto grew frustrated and returned Neji's frustrated stare.

"Then what is the point?!"

"You have no idea what you are messing with here Naruto!"

Hinata furrowed her eyebrows and looked down.

"This is the lions den! You are endangering the future of the Uchiha clan itself!.... if you think it's a simple 'I love your daughter' then you are foolishly wrong !"

Naruto's eyes widened at Neji's words.

"You are not only dealing with Hinata's father but Sasuke's and Itachi's father as well! Do you think that Fugaku-sama will just let you ruin plans that have been thought out carefully since they're birth?"

Naruto's eyes furrowed at the thought how scary was this guy exactly?

Hinata looked at Naruto worriedly at grabbed his arm .

"I'm so sorry about this ! You don't have to if you don't want to ... I can deal with it on my own so don-"

"No Hinata I have to take responsibility as well .... I chose to be with you so I have to take any means possible so that can happen."

Hinata smiled at Naruto. she loved that side of him.

Naruto then looked at Neji and his face grew completely pale.

"For a moment there I thought you sounded cool but I guess I was wrong.."

Naruto stepped in front of the Hyuuga mansion he could feel cold sweat falling down his forehead.

"Okay here we go...."

The trio went inside the mansion . Hinata and Naruto firmly gripping eachother's hand.


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