Chapter 3: The Past part 3

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It had already been 2 years since Itachi had gone and Sasuke knew that he and Hinata had grown a lot closer however, he wasn't sure if Hinata's love for Itachi had gone away.

They were both currently 12 and in the academy and Sasuke was hoping that he could show off his moves to Hinata however he ended up having all the girls swoon over him except for her.

As they walked home every day Sasuke would try to hold Hinata's hand and occasionally put his arm around her .

He wanted to prove to everyone that Hinata was his fiancée and that she only belonged to him , he would even refer to her as his girlfriend or fiancée every time anyone asked. Being a young boy it was normal to want to show off.

"H-Hina can I ask you something"
Hinata looked at Sasuke attentively waiting for him to say it. 

" Ahem..... uh ....ummm ...w-well I've been meaning to ask you this f-for a while now ...."
"Yea? " Hinata said waiting for what he'd say next, her heart bumping loudly .

Sasuke stopped in his tracks , stepped in front of Hinata ,and looked at her straight in the eye .


Sasuke shouted then he bowed his head down feeling embarrassment as his cheeks grew hot.

Hinata was shocked by the sudden proposal that all she did was turn as bright red.

"uh-uhm I-I-I "

Sasuke looked up and noticed the flustered Hinata which only caused his to get even more embarrassed and blush as well .

" Y-you don't have to answer r-right now you can tell me when your ready and I'll prepare a day"

Then Sasuke turned around and started to head forward , he felt a sudden tug on his shirt and he turned back .

Hinata was looking toward the ground and here ears were tainted red .

"I-I'd be honored to go on a date with you.....S-Sasuke."

Sasuke looked at her shocked and speechless Hinata looked up as red as ever .


Sasuke managed to utter Hinata then smiled at him which caused his heart to skip a beat. they walked home in a romantic aura


The date that they had gone too was a success even though Sasuke had sometimes done some clumsy things due to how nervous he was however everything had gone great .

They had grown closer than ever before and Sasuke could feel and was confident that one day he'd win the heart of the girl he always loved .

Hinata too had noticed that she started to enjoy her time with Sasuke more and that she looked forward to spending more and more time with him . The feeling she would get when she was around him was a different feeling from to one she used to have toward him. It was a familiar feeling , one that she's thought she had forgotten a long time ago ..... it was the start of a new love

The moments they shared together had grown more and more precious to Hinata's heart , Sasuke became an extremely important part of her life . And now that she noticed his significance to her she had also noticed just how many girls were around him and that caused her to become a little jealous.

There were times when girls would squeal or murmured excitedly every time he'd pass by and Hinata would grab him by the arm and hold him close.


" S-Sasuke y-y-you shouldn't be so careless and roam around girls like that !.....y-your my fiancée remember that!"

Sasuke had grown shocked by Hinata's sudden changes and concerns but at the same time he would love them, everything Hinata did had suddenly become beautiful to him and his love for her grew , he would dream of the day that the words "I love you" would come out of her mouth to say it to him

" Your right Hinata ..."

"H-Huh?!?" She looked at him flustered

" I'm your fiancée "

Sasuke said in a bright and loving smile . Hinata looked at him shocked but she couldn't help but make her heart quiver at those lovely words.

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