Chapter 12: Idiots.

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Class had already started and Naruto and Hinata were no where to be found.
Neji and the others were worried.

"Hinata Hyuga?"

Kakashi called roll waiting for a response .

"Not here."

Neji gulped hoping she would get to class soon.

"Naruto Uzumaki?"

Kakashi made a suspicious looked.

"Not here too.... hmmm"

Shikamaru furrowed his eyebrows.
Where has that idiot gone too now?


Hinata ran too the other side of the building , she felt her knees go weak and she slumped down.

"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry Naruto..."

Tears fell down her cheeks.Once again she had lost someone she loved, only this time she was the one that ran away.

She felt agony and couldn't stand how unjust the world was. Why did this always have to happen? Why ? WHY?!

Hinata lowered her head and sobbed even harder.


It had already been lunchtime and Hinata and Naruto were still not around. Neji searched for Hinata while Shikamaru and Choji separated to look for Naruto.

Shikamaru walked to the side of the building to find a depressed Naruto slumped in the corner .

"Naruto ?"

Naruto glanced at Shikamaru then again at the ground.

"What are you doing here? You missed role and Kakashi knows something up!"

Naruto gave no answer and continued to look at the floor. Shikamaru grew frustrated and stormed to Naruto.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Shikamaru looked at Naruto's expression . He grew wide-eyed at how serious and deppressed the blonde looked, normally he'd be smiling or have a goofy look on his face to hide his pain. But this time it was different Naruto didn't hide his pain.

"Naruto? What's wrong?"

Naruto gazed at the floor saying nothing for a moment then finally spoke.

"I don't get it....... I did everything I could.... I tried to make her feel better, I always smiled at her in order to make her smile, I did everything just to see her happy....."

Naruto's voice grew sorrowful and he gritted his teeth.

"...... So why didn't she choice me?...... Why couldn't it be me?"

Shikamaru felt so sad by Naruto's words. Hinata had rejected Naruto and it was hitting him hard. He sat next to the blonde and let out a sigh.

"There are tons of other girls just lining up to be with you Naruto, after all your the most popular guy in school .... you shouldn't have any trouble finding someone else"

"But I don't want someone else! , I want Hinata!!!"

Shikamaru furrowed his eye brows .

"Then stop whining and go after her!"

Naruto lifted his head wide eyed.

"But she rejected me! She said she was sorry and that she didn't feel the same!"

Shikamaru looked at Naruto in a serious expression.

"So? That never held you back before did it? Not with Sakura or any other girl you liked!"

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