Chapter 5: The past the final part

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The moments that Hinata had spent with Sasuke were amazing and filled with love. She hadn't been that happy in a long time, not only did she know it but others could tell as well.


Hinata turned to see a smiling Sasuke run toward her and throw his arms around her.

"Sasuke?!?" Hinata squirmed around a bit and then hid her face in his shoulder ,her face was bright red.

" Oh c'mon~ Hina, what's there to be embarrassed about? What's so wrong for a boy to embrace the girl he loves?"

Hinata became even more embarrassed and she could feel Sasuke's fangirls's
glares pierce through her.

"Well besides the fact that I might be having imaginary daggers being thrown at me by your fangirls nothing really" Hinata said sarcastically.


Hinata and Sasuke were already thirteen ,time was going fast.

Sasuke held Hinata's hand and they headed home. every time Hinata was with Sasuke she was in blissful peace and she wouldn't want to be anywhere else. She loved him, she truly did.

However there were moments where the scar Itachi left would once again hurt her, Sasuke understood that what happened with Itachi still hurt her but he would try his hardest to be patient.

" Hinata I know it still hurts so I'll wait till you are ready to talk about it."

She was so grateful to Sasuke for being patient. However she didn't want to keep him waiting for so long.

"We're home!" Sasuke hollered out to his parents and in-laws.

"Welcome home."

Hiashi noticed Sasuke and Hinata's hands and a smirk tugged on his lips.

"getting along well I see." he said half chuckling.

"F-father!" Hinata hollered at her father and became bright red , Sasuke immediately let go of Hinata's hand and looked down flustered.

"Oh by all means continue to hold my daughter's hand , don't let me interrupt ." the adults all laughed ,and Hinata and Sasuke speed walked to the hall.

"Geezz really they seem to always enjoy teasing us!" Sasuke said with his face as bright as a tomato.

Hinata laughed a little at his cute reaction. Then they parted ways to their own rooms.


hinata let out a sigh and flipped on her bed , due to the sudden jump she dropped her alarm clock in the crack between her window and bed. The indigo haired girl put her arm down the crack and tapped her hand around the floor trying to find her clock.

As she put her hand on a small area she felt a little jingle or some kind of chain, Hinata got the item with her two fingers and lifted it up so she could see what it was.

" This....!"

Hinata looked at her hand and saw a small necklace with a princess crown dangling at the end. It was a necklace that was given to her by Itachi a little before he left.


Hinata feels a tear stream down her face. Why now?

"Hinata!" Sasuke bursts into the room smiling happily. Hinata quickly wipes her tear away.

"Hinata? You ok?"

"I'm fine!" Hinata turns to look at Sasuke with a forced smile on her face

"what's is it?"

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