Chapter 52: Our kind of love

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I don't really remember how it was we met. Or how it was I began talking to her. All I remember is waking up one morning and thinking of her.

When I found out she moved I actually did know she was only three blocks away. However.... I didn't want to see her.

It was the very fact that I loved that girl that scared me to death. I loved her so much I had forgotten what dad told me.

"No woman was worth while."

He had told me that the day mom left. (A/N :I'm trying a new Kiba here sorry if some of you guys don't like him Dx)

But Lana was my childhood friend she was there when mom left. She was also the one to comfort me. The only girl that had ever seen me cry. Yet, the fact that she was so special to me really made me terrified.

The woman in my life that was always supposed to be there had left me alone in the world....what if I lost Lana too?

I just couldn't let that happen to me.

Hinata was a best friend of mine but I never had interest in her. Maybe that was because I had known about Sasuke. Or because Naruto was also a good friend of mine.

Besides that, Lana was the only girl that I ever actually cared about deeply. I was supposed to forget about feelings. But when it came to her....I couldn't just pretend I didn't have any.

"Kiba I think it's my turn today~"

"What are you talking about?! Kiba is supposed to be with me today!"

"No he isn't he's sup-"

Oh there they go fighting again. How annoying. I ran my hand through my hair in a frustrated motion then began to walk away.

"Kiba where are you going?!?" The girls shouted simultaneously.

"I'm not going to be with any of you today. I'm done , you bore me now. bye." I continued to walk as a waved my hand in a lazy way.

I didn't really care about those two , there were plenty more where they came from ,Who needed a just one woman when you could have many!

Besides... Women are just seductive beings that lure you in and leave you when they find it convenient. Those girls would have left me eventually.

I stopped for a moment. As I walked my thoughts roamed else where. And by else where I mean Lana.

I wonder what she's like now.


Seeing that Karate girl really scared me . How can a woman beat that kind of guy without breaking a sweat?!? I would never like to get in her bad side!

When she told me all those things I really wanted to hurt her. Not physically - I knew that was impossible- but emotionally... Yet somehow that look in her eye stopped me. It was almost as if she had lost all sense of emotion. Or maybe she just didn't want it.

It almost seemed familiar . Like I was looking at my own image, only, it was the side of me that does the right thing.

What she told was what I was trying to run away from my whole life.

I was empty......


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