Chapter 2: The Past part 2

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After the clans found out about Itachi's departure they grew furious and demanded that they wanted their heir back. So the clan's current leaders held a meeting.

"We are aware of your anger fellow clansmen, and we have heard your complaints"
The crowd all grew silent and listened attentively

"Which is why we have news to share"

The Uchiha leader (Itachi and Sasuke's father) stepped down and let the Hyuga leader take the stage ( Hinata's father) .

"The Hyuga and Uchiha have decided on a new heir"

The crowd all gasped at the shocking news . murmurs filled the rooms and concerned faces looked toward the stage.

"The new Hyuga and Uchiha clan heir from the Uchiha side will be .....Sasuke Uchiha"

The whole crowd stayed silent due to shock but because of the relief that they would get a leader they all suddenly cheered.


Hinata had been in her room the whole time while the meeting was going on. She had been depressed and didn't do much but stay in her room all day


Sasuke entered her room quietly , Hinata didn't answer and continued to look out her window .

"Hina I know you are sad because my nii- san left but ......but .....BUT I want you to know that I-I'll become better than him!"

Hinata grew shocked and looked at him with innocent eyes.

" I-I'll be a better l-leader and t-take care of the Hyuga and Uchiha!......b-but m-m-most of all I'll ....I'll become a better fiancée than him! .....and one day..."

Hinata didn't know what to say and continued to stare shocked. Sasuke had enevrr been like that.

"One day....become a good husband" the little boy looked at her in a determined way but he was red from ear to ear . Hinata just stared at him

" ....... HAHAHAhAHA"

The boy grew shocked and look at her curiously and a little concerned ,Hinata continued to laugh and suddenly looked down and just giggle

" hehe ......thank you Sasuke." she looked up and smiled at him with small tears welling up on her pearl eyes, warm teardrops rolled down her flushed cheeks. Sasuke walked toward her and put his little arms around the little girl , then he reach and grab her hand.

" S-sasu-"

"C'mon Hina.... let's go play " the little boy held Hinata's little hand firmly in his and Hinata looked at Sasuke's back


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