Chapter 13: My reason

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"I need to tell you something!" Hinata sternly said while staring at Naruto dead serious.

"O-okay" were the only words that Naruto could mutter by Hinata's intense stare.

Hinata let go of Naruto and stayed quiet for a moment then spoke.

"You already know what happened to me years ago..... so I guess I don't have to tell you..."

Naruto made a little frown due to the anger and jealousy of Hinata's past.

"When Sasuke left..... everything turned dark..... it's seemed as though I really had no reason to live anymore ...don't get me wrong I didn't want to die.... or .... I guess you could say I didn't have to think that way because I already felt dead... Having someone so special to me , someone I loved with all my heart simply leave me like that ... it tore me apart slowly and everyday."

Naruto gazed at Hinata, moved by her sorrowful words. He could tell just by looking at her just how much she truly loved Sasuke.

"Sasuke wasn't my first love however... he made me feel like I didn't have a first love to begin with.... everything about him captivated me... his smile... his laugh.... his crazy obsession toward tomatoes ."

Hinata snickered at the memory. and Naruto looked at her a bit confused tomatoes?.

"But that wasn't what captivated me most... what did was ...."

Hinata paused for a moment and peered out the window . She slowly closed her eyes and smiled . Naruto saw her expression and it was almost like he fell in love with her all over again.

"It was how he could make me feel like... like I belonged.... like I had a purpose..."

Naruto looked at Hinata attentively .

"He showed me that there was more to life than just pain."

The indigo-haired beauty then looked at Naruto and grabbed both his hands. "And that's what I want to do for you"

Naruto became surprised at the sudden words. " w-what?"

Hinata looked into his ocean-blue eyes that made her want to melt and spoke with sincerity for her.

"I want to hold you, and love you ,and make you feel like the happiest man alive. I don't want to be the only one that experiences those feelings alone anymore... I want to see your smile and rejoice in happiness at the thought that I was the one that caused it."

Hinata's' pale and lavender eyes were full of loyalty and love that Naruto was left speechless.

"Naruto you have no idea how happy you've made me.... and how relieved I became at the thought that those strong arms of yours made me remember the feelings that I had so long forgotten ."

Hinata furrowed her eyebrows which made her stare more intense.

"You became my reason.... please let me become yours..."

The pale-skinned teenager had a smile on her face and tears rolling down her cheeks. Naruto couldn't handle the spring of emotions and suddenly embraced her tightly unable to let go.


Hinata attempted to peer at Naruto's face but the blonde held her tighter , restraining her from looking any further .

"Pl-please just hold on a minute I can't let y-you see me like this ."

Naruto's face was beet red and there were tears threatening to falling down his face.


Hinata could hear Naruto's voice break.

"You have always been my reason."

Her eyes became glossy and she wrapped her around Naruto's back.

"Naruto look at me."

"I-I can't didn't I tell you I-"

The adolescent let go of the blonde then swiftly slapped her hands on Naruto's tanned face and kissed him.

The blonde's eyes grew wide but then closed softly and drowned into Hinata's tender and juicy lips.


I know it's short but I wanted to make it special so I decided to make it shorter but don't worry guys I'll update longer ones to make up for it. Cx please tell me your opinions and I hope you enjoy the rest of the fanfic xD

~xXAtsuko-chanXx~ \(*0*)/

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