Chapter 7: Smile!

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Naruto entered the classroom , it was morning and the beginning of class.

"Okay sit down everyone class is about to start!" Kakashi said at all the students in the room.

Naruto sat down in the seat next to the window and looked out, not paying any attention to Kakashi what's so ever. he suddenly saw a indigo haired girl desperately run to the front of the school .

"Hinata?" The blonde whispered to himself.

She made it just in time and stopped right in the front doors. Hinata stood ,shook herself ,then made a little nod as if ready to enter.

Naruto chuckled to himself with his eyes glued to Hinata .


Naruto quickly turned his head to find Kakashi looking straight at him and as well as the rest of the class.

"How about we focus more on studying and less on day dreams?"

The whole class laughed at him and that caused him to get embarrassed.

Suddenly the door slid open, and Hinata poked her head out of the door then quickly went to her seat.

"Ms. Hyuga! Glad you could join us !"
Kakashi said sarcastically.

The class giggled and the flustered Hinata took her seat.


During the whole class all Naruto could do was stare at Hinata. He looked at her hair and how silky and luscious it was , he was so focused on her that he didn't notice the bell.



Naruto looked up to find ten ten looking at him.

"What are you doing spacing out like that ?"

Naruto looked up at ten ten surprised then turned his eyes toward Hinata's direction and quickly looked down. Ten ten looked the way that he faced then made a shocked expression.

"You were staring at Hinata?!?!"

Naruto's cheeks grew red.

"Any louder?"

Ten ten looked at Naruto then frowned .

"What is it?"

"W-well I'm just gonna say this plainly..... don't even think about it!"

"W-WHAT?!?! It's not like I'm interested in her or anything!!!! Besides she has a boyfriend!!!"

"He wasn't just her boyfriend you know.....he was her fiancée "

"Was?" Naruto said confused, "what do you mean by was?"

Ten ten gulped and tried to change the subject but Naruto kept insisting.

"I can't say anything or Neji will kill me!"

"Well he doesn't need to know "

The brunette stayed quiet for a short while then began to tell Naruto about Hinata's first engagement with Itachi and his departure, then she told him about Sasuke and how she was happy with him but how he had left her the day of the festival.

Naruto listened carefully and in every word that Ten ten told him he became more and more heart broken by all the mishaps Hinata had gone through.

"And after Sasuke left she never smiled and all she did was cry. of course now she doesn't cry from what I know but she became very cold and distant."

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