December 30th WINTER BREAK YES

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Ahh, winter break.

I always wonder what it's like in other parts of the world when winter break is actually summer break and spring break is...autumn break?

I'll have you know I have not accomplished anything worth mentioning except getting a lot of sleep and reading. My mom, brother and I also rearranged the furniture so the dining area is a seating area and the seating area is a dining area. It's nice.

I have final exams and just over 3 weeks. I am very concerned.

I've got french, bio, pre-calc and english. But english just has a final project.

OH MY GOSH. I didn't get to rant about my french exam.

Basically I had a french <<examen>> which was based of  off like seven <<lectures>> and several new tenses on the December 16th.

Lets just say it took me about 2 hours and 10 minutes to complete the SHORTENED VERSION of the exam.

Note: each class is 1 hour and 20 minutes long.

I fear my mark.

I also had a biology unit test on kingdom animalia (not including arthropoda) which was about 15 questions the next day.

I did not finish that exam either.

Sigh. The high school life.

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