October 18th Nerd Camp

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So it's been ages. Let's just say being a senior in high school sucks.

I've been a terrible human being and neglected this book.

Therefore, I will not be publishing a 2016.


I've finished my french and english homework. WHOOP WHOOP.

And I also attended math camp.

Yes. Math Camp. And I even got a t-shirt.

I think I'll wear the t-shirt when I have my next math test.

It has pi on it.

So coming back to nerd camp. Basically you have to apply and a you get chosen to attend these lectures about math.

We got to pretend we're in university for 2 hours. And they kept giving us cookies and muffins.

I have 2 more days to go, one in November and the last in December.

The worst part is I almost threw up not once, but twice.

I get motion sick really easily, and the university is about an hour away from where I live so it was bad.

I ended up coming home, and I just slept for like 3 hours.

Did I mention math camp started at 9:00am? ON A SATURDAY.

The fiends.

Anywho. I learned stuff about tatami tiles which was cool.

And there was a lecture on evolution which was totally random and pretty much had absolutely nothing to do with math. I stopped taking notes halfway through.

I pretty much doodled the whole time.

My friend was being annoying and kept clicking her pen a bajillion times.

So that was the end of that. And she never clicked a pen again.


...or was I?

Useless Factoids:

In the Arctic, the sun sometimes appears to be square.

Non-dairy creamer is flammable.
Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.

Camel's have three eyelids.
The average person laughs 10 times a day!

A healthy (non-colorblind) human eye can distinguish between 500 shades of gray.

A syzygy occurs when three atronomical bodies line up.

Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and "bump."

Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day!

The Beetham Tower has 47 floors.

Go high five someone.


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