April 29th Earthquake in Nepal

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On Saturday April 25th, a devastating 7.8 earthquake shook Nepal. Since then, there have been more than 100 aftershocks, the largest being 6.7 on Sunday.

Each day the death toll rises, and those who survived are homeless living in unbelievable conditions while supplies and first aid are being transported in.

Nepal lies on a fault line, where two tectonic plates are in contact. I believe its a subduction zone, where one plate slides below another slowly...something like that.

The global issues club at my school is actually working on a "Goats & Pigs" campaign. We're raising money to buys goats and pigs. We were originally going to send them to Africa, but we can send some to Nepal too, in the long run the pigs and goats can be livestock in a farm and provide food for a long time.

If you google "Nepal Earthquake" like I did, you will find dozens of stories and blogs on how this earthquake was actually predicted.

Now, looking back you might ask what the heck were scientists thinking, if they knew it would happen. And I asked that too, and then I remembered science class...*flashback*

Basically, Vancouver lies on a fault line type thing, and we're supposed to get "the big one" soon. And they've been saying this since the 1990's. (The big one is a earthquake)

So it got me thinking about what if when the world is always predicting these things, and we always run away and move elsewhere. That would make us paranoid maniacs.

Because scientists can be wrong.

So I came to the conclusion, we don't know when things are going to happen, let alone what will happen. We may have technology and crap. But do we really know? and does knowing little details of things like this make any difference?

Not right now, maybe it will in the future.

Things are constantly happening all over the world as we speak.

Children are born, people are dying, there might he floods somewhere while another land is in drought.

The point of my little blabbering, was to say that we don't know what's going to happen, and in an instant, our lives can change.

Remember those who are suffering in your prayers.

May Allah (God) protect us, and ease the suffering of those in Nepal and all over the world.

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