March 12th Fireside Chats and British Programming

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On this very day in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosavelt addressed his citizens over the radio, directly from the whitehouse.

A journalist labeled the address as a "fireside chat"

These "chats" helped the President openly communicate with his fellow Americans, and is one of the reasons many say he was reelected three times.

Cool right?

Imagine every single day that we live uneventfully, something absolutely unbelievable could have happened on that very same day decades to centuries ago.

I guess its sorta like when you find out a famous person was born on the same day as you, and you get this weird sense of pride.

I googled "What's happening right now" and one sketchy looking site told me there was a internet civil war going on as you read this... I didn't open the page since it didn't look trustworthy.

But that sounds FRIGING AWESOME.

Maybe its about #TheDress?

Who knows?


Well it's not really that exciting.

Canadian television content had to 55% legit Canadian.

Well now its 0% guys.

Let's have a moment of silence for our loss of Canadian television.


I don't even like Canadian tv shows. #Britishprogrammingalltheway

~Downtown Abbey
~Call the Midwife
~Mr. Selfridge
~Doctor Who

Yes. My family actually watches them.

Also. Footloose is coming to life.

Somewhere in Alberta, playing music, dancing, singing and spitting is now illegal and fines can go up to $150.

People obviously don't like that.

Did the government learn nothing from the movie.

Tsk tsk.

Useless fact of the day:

Pule is the most expensive cheese. Sold for $1300 per kilo. It is made from donkey milk.

I got this one from food factory.

1.7K reads. WOWS. I feel loved <3

Good day.

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