February 21st Impersonations *gasp*

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I don't know if that grammar was right...

ANYWAYS, welcome back.

I just realized, I need to limit the amount of times I update since this book needs to last the whole year...or i'll have to make two 2015's. I believe there's a chapter limit of 200, so I can probably make it.

Um okay, let's start with something crazy.

Apparently, there has been a wattpad impersonation *gasp*

The author of,
"Project Popularity" sorta went on hiatus for a while, and another author made another account with the same name (except they added a 2 at the end) and continued her book! *gasps again*

The second author claimed (I'm not tagging anyone since I don't want get in the middle of it..) that she forgot her password for her original account + the email that goes with it and made a new one altogether.

I feel dumb since I believed the second author...and actually felt bad for her since people were all "hey yous an impostor!" and "You ain't no [insert handle]!"

But, turns out she was.

They said it was something about her writing style, and the way the story was going.

And I didn't even notice *facepalm*

On other news, its Chinese New Year!

I don't actually have much to say about it.

I have a good Chinese friend, and she and her other Chinese friend were all dressed up, so that was cute.

I had something to say...


Now I'm mad.


I believe if you want to remember stuff, squeeze your right hand when you're trying to memorize it, and then squeeze your left hand when you want to remember it.

Okay, I give up.

Tip of the day~

For iphone 4s or older, the charger end bit always gets worn out really fast, use the spring from a pen to keep it strong. [check out the pic if you're confused ^]

The Useless Facts:

-In "Silence of the Lambs", Hannibal Lector (Anthony Hopkins) never blinks.

-In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice-cream in your back pocket.

-A cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through.

-A cesium atom in an atomic clock beats 9,192,631,770 times a second.

-A group of crows is called a murder

-It is estimated that millions of trees are planted by forgetful squirrels. (my favorite fact)

Um, I can't remember what I was trying to remember. (That sentence sounds weird...?)

So I'll try again tomorrow.

Vote. Comment. And be happy <3

Good Night/Morning (not sure...its 12:33am)

Okay. Salaam peeps
(basically means peace is Arabic)

Shoutout to striving_muslimah 's sister's cat!


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