April 3rd Butter Hurts

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Good Morning,

Before I start anything, if any of my friends from school start reading this, or are currently reading this. You're probably going to end up in here. But you'll be anonymous obviously.

But you still might end up in here. If you get offended, I'm apologizing in advance.

Okaaay then. Today was pretty eventful. I was at school from about 8:10-5:40 so I have no life.

I also managed to:
1) stab a can of tuna to death at 7:20am (turns out you have to turn the can upside down to open it..I DIDN'T KNOW OKAY)

2) Attempt to make instant oatmeal, but instead just put the oatmeal flakes thing in a bowl -> put in microwave -> walk away. No milk. Didn't even turn it on.

3) Be late to 2 of my classes. And while I was being late (was running) to my second class, I managed to drop a baggy full of hair, pantyhose and motor oil...IT DIDN'T OPEN THANK GOD.

And my phone which slid like 10 meters away and stopped in front of a teacher lady. -> and then we had that awkward moment when two people are trying to pick something up, but you both just end up doing little half "bend overs" so basically no one picks it up.

3) My math teacher basically told me I should practice doing things faster so I'm not late to things.

I felt like crying.

4) Got my wrist stuck in them binder clamps. HURT LIKE HECK. I have a really creepy looking perfectly se metrical scrape thing on my wrist. It looked so creepy I had to wear a band-aid since it was hard to look at it..

4) Embarrassed myself while trying to hip hop during PE. (Its dance week fyi, so i had no choice)
And then my PE teachers said:

"Woah, *insert my name* you got one sassy hand"

While I was trying to nay nay. FAIL. *facewall*

5) Hit myself in the face with my own badminton racquet when trying to pick up the birdie. Not once, BUT TWICE.

6) Dropped a brick of frozen butter on my foot. And then I had to walk around with a bag of frozen lima beans on my foot. Its still really bruised...BUTTER HURTS

In real life news: INBD in text talk means, it's no big deal.

I learned that in french class.

Ikr. Of all the places.

Okay, I guess I'm done for today.

Join TruffleQueen 's chat on kik #QOCAndWN

(stands for: queen of chocolate and weird nation)

She got bored. So she wanted to start up a hashtag.

Good Day to ya.

(Technically its day for me since its 2:00am =)

2015Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora