April 18th Part I

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Okay, so A LOT of crazy stuff has started happening, so this might he a little longer than usual. I also have a few things to clear up:

1) I'm officially done with the "following every 50th voter" because frankly, I can't keep up. Congrats to Mahgulch who is my 400th voter

2) March 3rd some peeps broke into our locker room and dumped everything is the toilet. Turns out, they were in fact people that are NOT TEENAGERS. Rumors say it was a homeless person, or an adult who just walked in and did all of that.

You may now restore your faith in teenagers :DDD

First of all. Apple has now updated their emojis.
(Little symbols that are supposed to convey feeling and emotion into conversations, but actually don't)

There are now a variety of skin tones for emojis. Varying from yellow (not being racist, it's actually mustard yellow...idk jaundice color..?) to tan, brown and to darker skin tones.

There is now a black santa. Will Grayson's friend's parents from Will Grayson Will Grayson are probably very happy now.


Did it never occur to society that Santa does not have to be caucasian.

Tbh. The only brown emoji should have been the turban guy. 👳🏻

Because, only brown people wear turbans. Maybe it was a reference to Professor Quirrel...

They've also added gay and lesbian emojis. Which I guess is part of equality for all.

But the real question is.

When does that come up in conversation...?

I need to go, but I had some other stuff to add.

I'll do it later today when I post part II.


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