March 17th Watermelons and Garbage Bins

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AHH. I forgot about my 4th favorite day in the year 😭

Pi day was on Saturday AND I MISSED IT.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm saying,

March = 3rd month (3)

Saturday = 14th, next two digits in pi (.14)

So there you go, 3.14 -> Pi Day.


(I'm thinking about changing all my titles to that format since it looks kinda cool. Any objections?)

My inner nerd is really disappointed.

AProudMuslimah wow girl. You're my 200th voter. If I could follow you twice, I would. But sadly that's kind of impossible.

Okee Doke. Let's get started.

I'm just going to rant a little bit first.

I'm attempting to climb the wattpad popularity ladder and hopefully get this book to #100 in random? Hopefully.

Well I was #121 last week. And now I don't have a ranking anymore.


Also. I signed up for wattpad beta because I am extremely bored, and it sounds cool.

But it won't download. And I've been trying since Sunday to download it. I also cleared up phone's memory, but that didn't really help.


The most exciting thing that's happened today was when I found a watermelon in a vase.

And yesterday, when I almost fell in my big garbage bin in the garage when I tried to open it with my foot.

Moral of the story: just use your hands to open things.

Fact: Rats can't burp

Fact: Foxes have no nerves in their tails

Fact: Those facts came from my brother when I said "give me a fact"

Fact: I don't know how he knows things like that

Fact: Something is only truly lost when your Mom can't find it

Fact: Teachers are secretly werewolves and can smell when you don't know the answer so that's why they pick you

Fact: I would have said vampires, but Bella ruined that for me.

Fact: The Indian 1 rupee coin from 2007 has a thumbs up on it. (I don't know is all rupees have that..?)

Fact: Keeping your eyes open and sneezing is physically impossible

Fact: "A man a plan a canal Panama" is a palindrome.

Fact: When people snort laugh, the next thing they do is cough to cover it up, but everyone noticed. Unless you're the one person that actually addresses it, then Godspeed to you my friend.

Fact: Banana peels can be used as shoe polish (the inside bit)

Fact: The looney toons featured so many explosives since kids can't get explosives therefore making the show un-mimic-able, yet violent.

Fact: I'm done

Fact: I would appreciate votes and comments.

Fact: And if you go and drink a glass of water since dehydration is a major problems among teens, and causes dry skin

Fact: This is unedited

Good night and thank you for reading <3

(Actually now its edited, I fixed the Pi day bit, I made a mistake before hehe)

2015Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora