July 29th Administration's Inconsiderations

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You're about to murder me for this, but it must be done...

There's only one month left of summer.

Unless you're American. Then its less then a month because summer starts earlier right? Idk.

School starts first week of September.

I'm kinda freaked out since I have a whole bunch of really hard classes.

Chemistry, physics, biology, pre-calc, english, socials, french, (my last course is foods, and its my easy course :)

My dad wanted me to take economy instead of foods -.-

I come from a long line of academic over achievers.

So naturally, out lives suck for the entire year. Except for that one moment at the end of the year where you get to stand on a stage while holding some certificate with all the other over achievers pf your educational establishment.


And then your school year goes back to sucking.



Because the admin thinks the kids that get really great grades, put down the kids with not-so-great grades.

And I guess I sorta of maybe agree with them.

But, those kids don't spend the entire school studying their butts off.

They don't have to do the entire group project because everyone goofs off.

They don't stress out every time there's a test, and study for hours like we do.

They get to have fun.

And we don't get to have fun as much.

So yeah, maybe I'm kinda jealous of the slackers.

I've always wondered what it feels like to not have a nagging "do your homework" in the back of your head.

(There may be a slight chance I'm the only one that hears that voice...)

So anywho, let me tell you something admin.

The kids who spend the year working our butts off deserve our little 5 seconds on a stage, with our little certificates and parents clicking away pictures.

Because that's what makes all that work feel worth it.

And I'm sorry for those kids who struggle, but if you knew how hard we worked, then you'd want to give us a certificate too.

And I say "us" and not "I" because I'm not the only one.

So looking back, I'm quite unhappy with the admin's "new perspective" because I think it's stupid.

They basically took away our stage, our little moment of glory, and told us to go get our certificates from the gym in an ugly brown envelope, and then go meet our parents in the cafeteria where you all take pictures as a family and go home.

There were also some refreshments.

So that pretty much plummeted my expectations.

It kinda sucks since there was a teachers strike last year, and there was no ceremony.

Well, I only have a few more years left of high school anyways. I guess none of this will matter in the coming years..

Status: 12:47 am.
Eating a dark chocolate ice-cream-stick-thing in bed. Temperature is 25° C and I will probably not be able to sleep tonight because my fan is as powerful as an old man weight lifting a rhinoceros.

In sarcasm that means its not a super great fan.

Well. At least I have a fan, last year when I didn't, I had to lug my mattress to my parents room every night and sleep on the floor because my room gets 0% air flow.

Sleep well~

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