February 27th Almost a Civil War and Falling Cows

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Welcome back to another addition of 2015.

Hope you all are well.

Okay. So I discovered this horrid situation when my friend sent me a pic of a dress and asked me what color it was.

And then I proceeded to answer blue with black and lace.

The end. I did not give a poop about it for about a good 3 hours!

And then I checked my socials teacher's Twitter for homework.

And I eventually made it to #TheDress

I was more confused about this than I was about childbirth in grade 4.

So I obviously had to google it. Duh.

If you see black and blue.
You have better night vision then a person that sees white and gold.

But seriously, it took like 30 years for global warming to be recognized.

One night to nearly cause a civil war over a dress.


I still don't know about the llama thing. But I'm not going there.

Oh. I also joined my school newspaper. I get to write articles about weird news stories. ISN'T THAT AWESOME.

I'll be posting my first article next week.

I'll give you a sneak peak about one of my stories ;)

"Man Crushed to Death by Falling Cow"

Not joking. It happened in brazil actually.

A farmer built his house into the side of a hill type thing.

He and his wife were sleeping.

Cow somehow climbs onto roof.

Breaks through roof and only lands on the farmer's side of bed.

Wife was unharmed.

He made it out alive but died later due to internal bleeding.

I honestly don't know how to react to this.

We all leave this world in unexpected ways. Whether is be through cows falling through your roof. Or being stabbed to death with a squirrel.

(thats another story for another day. Comment if you would like to hear about it!)

That cow should be charged with involuntary man slaughter.


-At latitude 60 degrees south you can sail all the way around the world.
-The zorilla is the smelliest animal on the planet. It's anal glands can be smelled from half a mile away.
-The first bomb the Allies dropped on Berlin in WWII killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
-A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.
-99% of the solar system mass is concentrated in the sun.

I'm honestly not sure about the zorilla (hey my autocorrect didn't autocorrect...it must be a thing..) and the dragonfly thing.

Ahhwell. Who am I to argue about facts.



I'll just sum it up.



Nuff' said.

Apparently Americans don't include the war of 1812 in their curriculum...I wonder why?

Tip of the day~

(My brother's friend invented it..)

Put lip balm on paper cuts to get it to heal faster.

(Still not sure if that actually works, if anyone is willing to try it, tell me if it works)

Comment and Vote!

Help me get to 100 votes. Only 15 to go guys!

Every 100th voter gets a follow. If I'm following I'll vote for your books or something.
We'll discuss.

Good Day.

Haha. 2 minutest till tomorrow. BETTER PUBLISH FAST BYE.

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