March 24th Disturbing Neighbors and French Class

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Ehhh, whadup homie dawgs.

Ima try and be ghetto today. Ima talk n txt talk n let's c how long this lasts.

Ok, WOW I'M DONE. I can't do text talk. How do people write books in text talk seriously.

Anyways, spring break is now over for moi. So its just pure school hell from now on.

Today, my french tried hard to get us to learn, but we literally spend the whole class doing ONE THING. And those other kids keep asking questions that require 10 minute answers. Ugh

Oh..and I got in BIG trouble last week right after I posted march 19th or something.

Since I spent too much time on wattpad and I should "read books made of PAPER" (my brother said that)

Ahwell. Here I am.

In random news.

A person in Charlotte, Somehwere in a state in the Americas is disturbing neighbors.

And he's like actually disturbing.

He hangs out in his front doorway. COMPLETELY NAKED.

Oh yeah, Carolina.

Anyways, so police can't do anything since he's technically "in his house" private property stuff.

So he basically has been at his door Edward's Suicide style since 2005, a few times a week actually.

He could be there right now...

And its pretty disturbing.

The neighbors are trying to get him arrested but the law is stupid.

So he just hangs out there.
No pun intended.

Moral of the story: When buying a new home, stalk your neighbors to make sure they're fully clothed.


I have a math test tomorrow and I need to go blonde hair & motor oil shopping. (Its for a project. I'm not that crazy)

Good Day ^0^

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