April 22nd !yppaH htraE yaD

111 22 17


I like writing backwards.


In case you were wondering, I wrote the title backwards since I think earth day is kinda dumb. Since most of the world doesn't really give a ship about the earth the rest of 364 (give or take one day), but only on one measly day in the whole year.

Anyways. I took the earth day quiz and I found out I'm a Mantis Shrimp...


(The link is on my profile bc apparently links and wattpad don't get along..)


Last year a total a 7 tonnes of oil was spilt into oceans.

Human hair can be used in oil spills. Google matteroftrust.com

I asked my mom for environmental facts and she just said:

"There's a lot of poop in the world being flushed down toilets"

"A lot of methane gas is being released by cows"

"Chicken poop is used as feed for fish. And that's why eating tilapia is a bad idea"

"Olive oil is good when your brain seems to go like DOIEEE"

My mom is a whopping crane.

Go turn off a light or something.

|Good Day|

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