June 24th Just ask to go pee. You will be escorted

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If you are one of my muslim buddies, please go and pray if you haven't already done so. I don't want to be the cause of you missing your salah (prayer).

If not, then read on!
Salaam (peace)

How's everybody? Good good?

I am officially done my exams. WHOOPWHOOP.

I had a major 3 hour math exam yesterday. And the best part was when I had to go pee after the first hour. e_e

And the even better part is that today I found out you're allowed to go to washroom, they just escort you.


But on the upside, you feel really awesome when you go pee right after holding it for a REALLY long time.

Ahem..that was a little off topic.

Anywho, I'm all dundees with school. But, our good buddy silverresnitch still has exams.


Okay, sorry. That was uncalled for.

She even stayed up till 1:00am studying. In Sha Allah (God willing) she'll do really awesome. Make dua for her (pray for her).

Speaking of religious things, its is also Ramadan! To which I can now say (even though it's kinda late...)
RAMADAN MUBARAK. (Happy Ramadan)

This is the month when we stay up all night, and try to stay up all day only to take a nap at around 5-7pm. Funny enough, that's when everyone I know takes a nap.

Unless you're those lucky ducks that fast (abstinence from eating or drinking, and some other stuff) for less then 18 hours. Y'all probably nap earlier.

I heard in upper Sweden...the fasts are 23 hours long O_o


Here, its 19 hours. 2:40am-9:30pm

Right now I am currently craving an indian food which I don't want to mention since I'm going to be nice.

I'm also planning on writing a chapter for "Ramadan Buddies" by @how-about-no and her collab peeps.

Did you know wattpad is working on a new collaboration write feature so authors can write books together?!

I only use the wattpad beta but I'll tell you all about it when it comes out.

Well. I guess that's about it.

Thank you to all my beautiful people who read, vote and comment on this book.

6 months ago, I never would have expected this.

So thank you~

Now a little thing to make your heart go *POOF* into a baby duckling because that is the most logical explanation for the reason behind "that warm and fuzzy feeling" according to my mom:

A son asked his mother:

"How will I be able to find the right woman for me?"

Mom answers:

"Don't worry about finding the right woman, concentrate on becoming the right man"


Good Eye 😉

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