May 27th 2012

62 15 17

Its that time of the year again...a time feared by indians and asians alike...(as well as others but you have no idea the kind of pressure we get my friends of other nationalities)

*whisper mode*


And it also happens to be the end of an era. ALITeFati has finished her book "Desi Problems" and now wattpad is mourning the loss.

But I understand. You are forgiven my friend.


Basically to put it in simpler terms, someone started the gregorian calendar 3 years late.

That's the calender most of the world follows blindly for some reason.

Anyways, my mom told me last year that 2014 years ago, someone started the calender 3 years late. So I obviously don't question her or ask her for evidence because DUH, you don't question Desi moms.

And to condense it a little more and make sense of this fiasco.

2012 is supposed to happen at the end of this year.

And with that, I shall leave you all to ponder.

And yes, technically speaking, today is March 27th 2012.

Will the government and people with power realize this and jump back 3 years?

Of course not.

Good Day,

(Useless facts coming back to updates near you! Stay tuned!)

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