Happy Independences August 14th/15th

35 9 6

Namaste/As-salamu alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh

Considering that I happen to be of South Asian decent, better known as "desi" or just to be blunt about it. Brown.

I thought I should probably note down that the Indian/Pakistani independence days are upon us.

If you are just as bad at Indian/Pakistani history as I am, then you'd also have no idea what happened on this day.

Fortunately, they made a movie!

I've actually seen this movie myself but all I can remember are the non-violent protests. And a lot of racist Englishmen.

Coming back. Something very liberating happened decades ago among these days, so celebrate! Grab a cup of chai, a couple packets of Parle-G and rejoice.

Fun fact: technically speaking, Indian is Hindustan. I only know this because I watch them hindi movies.

My favourite hindi movie so far is 'Special 26'

Looved it.

Speaking of movies, I think I've actually become addicted to watching movies.

I've seen so many over the summer I've lost count...I'm trying to get movie sober by watching spongebob and fairly odd parents since episodes are only 30 mins long.

Did you know Timmy got a dog?! Like wow, never saw that coming.

Did nickelodeon run out of ideas so they threw a dog in like a 2nd cosmo?

We may never know...

Anywho. I should probably go to sleep.

Thanks to all my wonderful readers for getting me to 6k reads!

Also. There's this really awesome Zombie Apocalypse game/role play/contest book that I'm participating in. It's basically about survival and Its sounds like a lot of fun.

Join if you'd like to face off with yours truly in a survival of the fittest thing, or join me and win.

The book is by PrinceEden (I think).

If I got the author wrong, pm me and I'll find the book for you.

Alrighty. I guess this is goodbye.

G'day mate~

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