A few points to sum up PE (sometime in July)

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Wrote this after my last day in PE.
A few points to sum up my life in PE.

1. Trip on nothing during PE.

2. Try to be competitive during PE, and fight for the ball...only to learn your opponent is on the team...

3. Hit your partner in the face during doubles badminton.

4. Kick someone in the leg during soccer.

5. *Get sweaty*



     *Freeze to death*

6. Not pay attention and get nailed in face with ball

7. Or, you're actually paying attention and you still get nailed (that's me)

8. Your goalie and you get nailed in the boob...don't know how to react."Yeah...it hit me in the stomach"

9. Stop in the middle of a 1k to tie your shoelaces while everyone just runs past

10. Yell "YESS" only to find out, you scored for the other team

11. Your friends pick you last (Every time T.T)

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