Souls for Sale

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(We're with Sphintus today! Enjoy!...this is the only chapter until we get to one has commented yet on the 35th chapter though, do none of you have ideas? I mean, anything could happen you guys! Óneiro could turn out to be evil, maybe Chuchoter becomes 'friends' with the man that kidnapped her! Maybe...maybe Sphintus and Vegvísir will fall in love...? I'm serious anything could happen! And we only have 6 chapters until the 45th chapter so I would comment about the new character too, the new character -just like with chap. 40- can be anything you want! It could even be an evil person! Absolutely anything! Sorry about long intro, enjoy!)

Vegvísir put her hand on a tall door connected to an even larger wall. It immediately clicked and the door creaked open.

"This is the gate that leads to DreamLand." Vegvísir told Sphintus with a smile.

"Ohhhhhhh! It's huge!" Sphintus gasped. The door opened slowly, and then DreamLand was visible in all of its broken glory. Only a few people here and there could be seen.

A sign hung over the entrance to the city, it read 'Aventures dans la Terre de Rêves'.

"Adventures in the land of dreams...? Why does it say that?" Sphintus turned to Vegvísir and asked her that question.

"Beats me. Something about traveling..." Vegvísir mumbled.

Sphintus shrugged and took a step inside of the city with Vegvísir trailing after him. There was a multitude of buildings of many sizes, but all of them were built in the same style and all of them were an off shade of white. Except for one of them. It looked old and was a dark brown, it had an 'Open' sign hanging from a small window.

"What does that place sell?" Sphintus asked, pointing at the intricate building.

"I don't know...let's go find out!" Vegvísir giggled. She grabbed Sphintus by the arm and rushed to the shop.

"Woah...! Hold on!" Sphintus almost tripped over his own feet as Vegvísir pulled him into the old store.

The inside of the store was dark, only one candle lit lamp glowed inside the store, an assortment of odd objects littered the shelfs.

Sphintus was immediately drawn to one of the darkest corners of the store, an old coffee table was littered with an assortment of jars filled with liquids and strange spiritual artifacts. Sphintus reached one of his hands towards a jar then stopped, the jar next to it began to glow with an inviting light.

"You haf veen chosen." A strange voice with a heavy accent could be heard behind him. Sphintus immediately drew his hand away from the jar and towards the voice.

An old lady with snowy white hair, clear blue eyes, and skin gray with age stood behind him. She wore a necklace made of animal bones and a cloak the color of blood.

"I'm sorry what?" Sphintus had no idea what she had said.

"You haf veen chosen!" The old lady said a little louder.

"What have I been chosen for?" Had he won some kind of promotional item?

"The svirit of vhat jar has chosen you!" The old lady said with a wicked laugh.

Sphintus glanced at Vegvísir for help, she just shrugged and mouthed 'just get the jar'.

"Um...what do you mean?" Sphintus cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"The svirit has chosen you...vhat veans the svirit vill follow you forever...even if you von't vuy the jar. Vut, if you except the vill help you in vhatever you vay need help vith. You vill only ve seen as excepting it if you vuy the jar though." The old lady explained to him what it meant. It was a little hard to understand what with her accent, but Sphintus understood for the most part.

"How much is it?" Sphintus asked hopefully, he hadn't brought any money with him but maybe Vegvísir brought some.

"It is three scales." The lady replied.

"...Vegvísir can you help me a little...?" Sphintus called out to Vegvísir for help, he had no idea what a 'scale' was.

"Yeah." Vegvísir mumbled.

"How much is it?" Vegvísir asked the old lady.

"Three scales."

"What!?! Three scales for a jar filled with who knows what!?!" Vegvísir gasped.

"The price vill not be changed." The old lady mumbled.

"Ugh....Sphintus your lucky I like you." She handed the lady three large triangular objects the color of fire.(I bet your wondering where she got them from, to be honest I have no idea. Lol.)

"A pleasure voing vusiness vith you." The lady smiled, then handed Sphintus the jar.

"Now, von't open vhat until you get outside, vokay?" The lady warned Sphintus.

"Yes ma'm." Sphintus nodded.

"Vood voy!" The lady gave him a warm smile.

Sphintus nodded again, then Vegvísir pulled him outside.

"That was weird!" Vegvísir exclaimed excitedly.

"Sure was." Sphintus mumbled, his eyes were glued to the jar, the light seemed to pull him into a void of warmth.

"Come on! Open it!" Vegvísir begged him to open it, she was just as curious to see what was in it as him.

"Ok." Sphintus nodded, he gripped the lid to the jar. Then, he lifted it up slowly.

A bright light shot out of the jar, temporarily blinding everyone nearby. When Sphintus could see again the jar had disappeared, and in its place was something strange.

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