Bathroom Items Attack Team

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Shock. That was the only emotion he felt. Had the girl been more than a dream? If he doesn't figure out her name will he disappear just like those other people?

He didn't know the answer to either of the questions he had just asked himself. And that scared him.

To rid his mind of those thoughts he decided to take a shower; when he entered the bathroom he heard footsteps coming from down the hall, his brother must have finally decided to wake up.

*KNOCK KNOCK* Just as he began to get undressed some one came pounding on the door yelling,


Immediately Koe knew who it was.

"Sphinty you're gonna have to wait."

But it was to late his brother had already opened the door.

Typical. Was the first thought that entered Koes mind. Then he realized the situation he was in, he was undressed about to get in the shower and his perverted brother had just walked in on him.

His face flushed bright red and he began to yell with the worst possible profanity he could think of to get his brother to leave.

"Ok, ok, god!" His brother said as Koe threw a hair brush at him (great attack device isn't it?).

Ughhhhhhh.... Koe couldn't believe that Sphinty would do that. Then again.... he thought back to the other gazillion times it had happened. All of them ending with his brother laughing hysterically outside of the bathroom making fun of the stuff Koe threw at him, the last time he walked in on him he had thrown a toothbrush.

And sure enough he could hear his brother laughing saying dramatically,

" Oh no!!! The brush is gonna get me!"

Koe just ignored his brothers hysteria and got in the shower. Already he was starting to forget the hoard of questions that had bombarded him earlier (Idk if I'm using the word bombarded in the right context, sorry).

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