Les Sentiment De Vide

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Koe didn't know when he had fallen asleep. Everything after Noir had joined their little adventure was blurry.

Koe looked around, he was in a room. How did I get here? Koe asked himself.

The room had wooden walls and wooden floor boards. And there was a mangy some what green carpet covering the center of the room. The only furniture were the three beds, and an old lamp.

Koe sat up. He felt empty. Like something had just been ripped out of him.

"Les sentiment de vide." Koe muttered these words. He had no idea what they meant, but he felt like they were appropriate for this feeling.

"Tais-toi!" A rude voice yelled at him. He immediately identified this voice as Libellule.

"I'm sorry what?" Koe had no idea what Libellule had said.

"Espèce d'imbécile! You speak in French yet you don't know any French! Idiot! Espèce d'imbécile!" Libellule looked angry, Koe didn't understand why though.

"Why are you so mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong."

"Ugh... you did do something wrong you made me think you could speak French by saying 'Les sentiment de vide' then when I tell you to be quiet you know nothing... you spoke in difficult French then you don't know the simplest... espèce d'imbécile!" Libellule began to rant and after every few words he would say 'espèce d'imbécile'.

Koe then heard someone laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"What's so funny, Noir?" Koe asked.


"Why am I so funny?" Koe replied.

"Because, you know nothing! You're letting Libellule insult you without even realizing it!" Noir could hardly keep his composure.

"What do you mean?" Koe was getting a little irritated, why wouldn't Noir just flat out tell him what was going on?

"Espèce d'imbécile means 'complete idiot'!" Noir fell down he was laughing so hard.

"WHAT!" Koe screamed at Libellule,

"WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME AN IDIOT!" Koe didn't like it when people said stuff about him behind his back. '=_= (obviously.)

Libellule had calmed down now and didn't want to have to deal with this so he flat out ignored Koe. Koe would get over it in a minute or two.

Libellules prediction was right, Koe was over it in less than a minute. But now Koe was confused, where in the world was he? And how had he gotten here? Why did he feel like he had just forgotten something really important?

"Where am I?" Koe asked.

"An inn." Libellule replied.

"How did I get here?"

"You walked." Noir replied, still giggling a little.

"I don't remember walking here." Koe remarked anxiously.

"Well you did drink a little bit..." Libellule replied.

"WHAT? You let me drink? But I'm under age!" Koe cried out, he could go to jail for this!

"Not in DreamLand you're not. In DreamLand you can start drinking at 15." Noir replied happily.

"B-but still!" Koe couldn't believe he had actual drank alcohol!

"You drank a lot to. You're quit the little alcoholic." Libellule said with a snicker.

"This isn't funny!" Koe cried out, he was still in shock. But... maybe that's why he felt so empty... maybe he just drank a little to much and is feeling the side effects of a night of drinking.

He let it slide. They checked out of the inn and continued their journey.

Koe... Koe I will find you... we were supposed to help each other... but now you've abandoned me... how could you?

Koe... please help me... please save me from this place... Koe please hurry... how could you be taking so long? How could you?

Two people thought these thoughts at the same time.

Two people care for Koe

Two people need Koe.

But he can only stay with one.

Who will he choose?

Only I know.

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