The Hooded

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(Today's chapter is going to be a little different, instead of following Koe around we're going to follow Sphinty! I've been wanting to do this for a while... so enjoy!)

Sphintus' eyes snapped opened. Something was wrong, very wrong. But... what was it?

He felt like something was gone, but what could be gone? He turned his head to the bed on the other side of the room, expecting to see his brothers fluffy blonde hair poking out from under the covers.

To his surprise nothing was there.

"Koe...? You there?" Sphintus called out wearily.

When there was no reply he got up to go investigate, maybe his brother was just playing a prank on him. He he jumped off his bed and stomped over to Koes. He pulled the covers off the bed hoping to see his brothers angry face.

But nothing was there.

Absolutely nothing.

As if he had been there one second, and then POOF he was gone.

Sphintus was scared now, where had his brother gone? He went downstairs too the living room. Maybe Koe slept down here again... Sphintus hoped he was right.

But nothing.

Absolutely nothing.



Sphintus checked the house from top to bottom for his brother, but still nothing was there. Where had Koe gone?

"Koe! Koe this isn't funny! Where are you!" Sphintus cried out. He waited for an answer to his call, but nothing.

Absolutely nothing.



Sphintus felt like he was about to have a nervous break down, him and his brother had always been together. But now Koe was gone. And Sphintus didn't know where he had gone.

He decided to go check around town for Koe, maybe he had just gone to get some more bagels?

He pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt that had a picture of him and his brothers favorite anime Magi.

Then he grabbed his brothers hoodie and pulled it on over his head.

He would find his brother. Even if it took a month, even if it took a year, he would find his brother. He would find Koe.

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