Chapter Seven // Who To Trust

Começar do início

I laughed, remembering perfectly. I’d wanted to run, thinking he was a friend of Joshua. The thought was funny now, since I knew David would never hurt me like that.

I was quiet for long enough to make David anxious. “You know, in the movies the girl usually says something romantic right about now.”

I snorted, realizing too late how unattractive that was. “And when have I ever done something to give you the idea that I’m romantic?”

He thought for a moment. “There was that one time with the candles and foot massage.”

I laughed. Once, about three months ago, he’d gone on a mission and I’d set the whole living room up in candles and then given him a good massage, in the hopes of getting him to realize my feelings for him.

“I was trying to be romantic then but I figured you didn’t notice since you went to bed the first opportunity you got.” That had been the first and last time I’d tried to tell him how I felt. He’d practically run from the room.

He smiled sheepishly. “I was afraid you were gonna break out in song.” He teased.

It was quiet for a minute. I took a deep breath.

Now was the time. He’d already said it so I could, took. He’d said it first so surely my embarrassment over saying it wouldn’t be as bad as his had been. Although, he hadn’t really been too embarrassed. I had nothing to lose anyway, really. He’d already confessed so he’d put his pride on the line. Surely I could do the same.

Just say it, Alba.

“I like you, too.” I blurted, the words rushed and crammed together, barely making sense to my own ears.

He half-smirked, half-smiled. “Finally.”

That was all he said before he dipped his head and captured my lips with his own. This kiss was somehow different than our others. It was sweeter. For once, I felt happy instead of self-conscious and depressed. I didn’t wonder about his motivation for kissing me, since it was kind of obvious at the moment.

All too soon, the self-consciousness came on. Am I doing it right? What if I’m not? What if I’m a horrible kisser? What if he doesn’t want to kiss me again? Will he still like me after this? Maybe I can go online and look up a kissing guide. Someone has to have some tips. Maybe Roma can tell me what to do. If he even still wants to kiss me after this…

David pulled away when my lips became immobile as I freaked out in my head. He smiled at my slightly panicked expression and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. He moved his tray of food off the bed, setting it on the floor beside him, and pulled me down so I was laying next to him.

Were we dating now? We’d said we liked each other, which was new, but we’d kissed, which was not.

David sat up, on his knees on the bed and looked down at me. I saw it coming before he said it but I still couldn’t help but feel the excitement rise in me. “Alba Rose Vaughn-Parks…will you marry me?”

The last part was rushed and his serious expression lasted about half a second, before he cracked up. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. That’s what this reminds me of.” He gestured between his kneeling position and me.

I mock glared at him and he chuckled, leaning in to kiss my cheek. His lips grazed my neck, just below my ear. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

I nodded, his hair brushing my cheek as I did so.

I was dating David. The beautiful angel that I’d loved for two years in secret. Who cared if he only liked me? We had still finally gotten together! I couldn’t wait to tell Xavier, he’d–

Fate's Choice (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora